[Include] ColAndreas Debug Line

ColAndreas Debug Line

Include which support visually colandreas line hit

This must be included after ColAndreas
#include <ca_debug>
CA_DebugDrawLine(Float:StartX, Float:StartY, Float:StartZ, Float:EndX, Float:EndY, Float:EndZ, bool:StopAtCollision, Color = 0xFFFF0000);



  • Created by: Ino
  • ColAndreas Team - For ColAndreas
  • Southclaw - For math stuffs from 'line.inc'
  • ****** - Iterators
  • incognito - Streamer



(Version 1.0) Include + Example FS - GitHub ( https://github.com/Ino42O/CADrawDebugLine )

Excellent work Ino

Good job!

What can this be useful for?

Thanks guys!

Originally Posted by SickAttack
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What can this be useful for?
When you working with dynamic raycast cordinates you can debug them with this, to see where raycast going

Originally Posted by RIDE2DAY
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The fact you don't know how to use this doesn't mean it cannot be useful for someone else.

@Ivan_Ino: I have some ideas in my head and this will help me definetly, good job. For some reason, it reminds me about RyDeR`'s grapple hook script.
You obviously don't know that this isn't really for production use.

I'm just asking for examples where it's useful, because I don't see any real 'helpful' use for it atm tbh.

Originally Posted by RIDE2DAY
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If you have lack of creativity it's not my fault dude, I'm sorry about the difficult childhood though.

I didn't say where I'll use this, don't get me wrong. It'll be used for debugging purposes on a bank robbery system which I'm scripting.

Stop trolling with your useless comments by the way. "Posts Per Day: 4.68", that's not usual man, go out there and live your life. Have a nice day.
Debugging a bank robbery system? Are you on drugs? What do you need to debug in regards to that? It makes no sense if you don't go in to detail (but also makes a lot less sense taking all other concepts in to consideration), and if you don't want to go in to detail then you're just full of shit (seriously).

You know what they say, people start insulting when they *thousands of things can go here* (I'll just leave it there since I don't want to drop down to your level). So please explain if you can.


He deserves recognition for his effort, but not that much. Pretty useless imo, probably just for those who tend to run in to problems I guess.

Chill boys.

The boi can't take honest criticism, he prefers when people fake those 'good jobs' n' shit.

Originally Posted by RIDE2DAY
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You're absolutely wrong, this is useful for those who wanna see how things work. Sadly, as I can see, you prefer to be rather an ignorant.
Good to know that you just admitted that it serves no practical use.

Originally Posted by RIDE2DAY
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This guy deserves the "good job" just because the script involves some good maths.
Have a look at the credits, says Southclaw is to congratz for that (or most of it).


I'm not hating on the release, just pointing out that it's not really a fantastic one. Would have been better if it was just on GitHub or something as it serves no real use for some.


I just wanted to point out that mostly all my posts are from helping others, I do it for my own benefit; to learn. It just shows how willing I am to learn new things and how helpful I try to be.

You just pick on others because you think you're better than everyone else (as to how I see it). Go back to where you came from (probably the Spanish section since everyone there except OTACON is rude af).


Final conclusion is that you're full of shit since you don't want to go in to details in regards to what you're using it for in your bank robbery system.


I saw that you PMed me, but I never read it or bothered to read it. If you have anything else to say, say it here. I don't need your childish stuff right now.

I find it quite useful while dealing with collision physics. Imagine you want to project the path of two systems' collision. You can project their collision and their displacement after collision visually using this include. If your debugging code is done in a proper way with this include, various tests can be done easily by simply changing the appropriate debug values. This helps a developer to view the results mostly in game rather than to test each and everything.

If you think of more relating to collision physics, there can be still more.

EDIT : Not only for debugging purposes, this include can be used to project lines that project till it collides. The author could've seen more purposes other than debugging only.

A video might explain it's usage well (to be honest I was also going to ask what's its usage?).

@SickAttack: get a life man, stop writing fascicles on sa-mp.com. If you're not smart enough to understand this include, I know I cannot expect too much coming from you. So, if through "some" you wanna mean "mediocre", then yes... this include is useless.

You reply to all posts out there with things like "this is useless", "how can I use this", etc. Just stop, we're fed up of people like you. I hope you'll get banned soon. Something tells me you're OTACON... surprise.

I still remember when [DOG]irinel1996 banged you, I laughed too hard! Stop talking about Hispanics because that's where you're coming from. Some months ago you were asking for help into the Spanish section. Wake up bro, open your eyes, you don't even speak English... oh, "are you on drugs"? Let me tell you that I speak four languages, I'm not Hispanic, and I'm not against anybody on Earth.

Thank you for the rep. by the way!

The fact you don't want to point out any of its uses, does make it useless.

It obviously has a use, like most things people consider useless. But if you don't get my point, then no comment tbh.


I'm not sure why you like to insult people a lot. Or is that just how Hispanic people are? I'm curious!


Please do your research before assuming anything. This is like your first time you post in the English boards, you wouldn't know because you basically just started using this forum.


I don't see why I should be banned. If you can't take criticism that isn't even for you in a positive way, or even try to prove me wrong, then you obviously have issues you may want to look in to.

This wouldn't have turned in to a nasty thread if you weren't a douchebag. But I guess that runs in the family and can't be helped.


After seeing you and your other buddies that just care about themselves, I bet people will start liking Trump as their President.

The gasoline is going up, and instead of trying to solve it, Hispanics go and harm their own compadres by robbing local stores and shit. What a shame tbh.

I'm not being racist or anything, but seriously. Please work on being better persons. We don't need anymore trash.


It's just a shame when people try to use insults as a way to prove something. You have a lot to learn, lil boi.

Take my advice and disappear from the English boards if you're going to act like this, just like your friends. It will be better for everyone.

Originally Posted by SickAttack
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Shits like you is why SA-MP members are leaving the forums
People need support, since we are not in the best situation (talking about the forum activity).
No one deserves this this type of replies, people like Ivan puts a little/huge effort on contributing, and you just drop your stupid ego over him. Pls fuck off or get a ban
I know you will quote my message and you will type any shit like always, but stop there to think, and take this like a lesson for you kid

Run while you can guys, SickAttack's comments are like a black hole. They get bigger and bigger and he won't let you escape of his endless useless text speeches. The guy is on his last legs. He's trying to get some attention, give him some pats on the back and send him to sleep.

Now I regret I didn't put him in the grave also.

OT: +rep. to Ivan_Ino, this include is useful if you know what you're doing.

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