Unable to save screenshot

I had this problem when I first got my new laptop but somehow it fixed itself but after a meanwhile it returned.

The thing is, when I got a new laptop (Windows 10, if it has something to do with it (I don't think it does)) I was unable to save a screenshot, somehow this problem fixed itself and I could take screenshots but now I cant take screenshots anymore. The problem obviously returned, I searched a few threads that were made regarding this but none helped. I also tried reinstalling SA-MP which still didn't fix the problem. I am clueless to fixing this problem, did anyone have the same issue as me and how did he/she fix it? Help would be gladly appreciated.

Also, don't post if you're gonna say "Download Fraps or some screenshot taking system" since I wont. There is a reason 'taking screenshots' was added.

Lower the resolution of your game.

Originally Posted by SickAttack
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Lower the resolution of your game.
I tried lowering the resolution but it was still unable to save the screenshot. But thanks for your help anyway, appreciated.

running the game and client in administrator mode helped me

Originally Posted by Sreyas
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running the game and client in administrator mode
I tried running it in administrator mode but the problem is still there. I'll try to retrace my footsteps and try to remember what I did that fixed the problem and what I did that brought back the problem.

But if anyone has any idea feel free to reply here, it might help.

I don't know but I see someone being buyers over here.

The fiest person's solution might work.

I guess this appeared in Windows 8, just use FN+PrntScreen

Re-installing the game and changing the resolution made it work fine for me.

Edit: If this didn't work, Simply use 'Windows + Print Screen' buttons to take a screenshot.

I'll try reinstalling the game though, its my only option so far. If it doesn't work perhaps I'll go use Fraps for taking screenshots, its not a big problem, its just I really wanted to see this problem fixed.

Thanks for the help anyway!

Increase your resolution and/ or use a ENB (it might help).

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