How to make this object solid?

I'm trying to use a amazing map here, to make a mecanic system, but this object is not solid:

How to make this object solid?
I look hard to found the id, and it's not only one object
CreateDynamicObject(11391, 1910.80566, -1785.34412, 13.77544,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, -1, -1, -1, 200.0);

Someone could help me on this?

I recently heard that it's not possible, although I am not hundred percent sure.

Not sure if applying a texture to it (I think I saw someone say that you can make an object solid that way around this forum - never tested it though), it wouldn't hurt to try that out however - so give it a shot!

At the worst case, you'll have to place multiple solid objects underneath it so that it can appear solid, but it won't actually be solid on its own.

Use SA-MP wall0 objects to patch up the objects, and apply a space as their text using SetObjectMaterialText to make them invisible.

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