un error al abrir el servidor

Hola buenas e esto mirando y cuando e decidido abrir mi sv dandole al samp-server me a salido un error y me meto en server_log y estos son los errores que me tira.

[21:17:14] --- Server Shutting Down.

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, ©2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[21:17:16] Server Plugins
[21:17:16] --------------
[21:17:16] Loading plugin: streamer
[21:17:16] Failed.
[21:17:16] Loading plugin: sscanf
[21:17:16] Failed.
[21:17:16] Loaded 0 plugins.

[21:17:16] Filterscripts
[21:17:16] ---------------
[21:17:16] Loading filterscript 'mapas.amx'...
[21:17:16] Loading filterscript 'ArmasEnElSuelo.amx'...
[21:17:16] Loading filterscript 'ArmasEnlaEspa.amx'...
[21:17:16] Loading filterscript 'Laser.amx'...
-- Cargando Perfectamente el FS de Laser --

[21:17:16] Loading filterscript 'Velocimetro.amx'...
[21:17:16] Loaded 5 filterscripts.

[21:17:16] Script[gamemodes/VC-RP.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[21:17:16] Number of vehicle models: 0

este es el eror que me tira


[21:17:16] Script[gamemodes/VC-RP.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"


Mira los plugins. Actualizalos junto con sus includes. Sino jamas te funcionara..


[21:17:16] Loading plugin: streamer
[21:17:16] Failed.
[21:17:16] Loading plugin: sscanf
[21:17:16] Failed.
[21:17:16] Loaded 0 plugins.

No cargo ningun plugin, si estas en Linux recuerda subir los plugins (terminaciуn .so) y colocar en server.cfg tambien los nombres (terminaciуn .so en linux, sin terminaciуn en windows)

no lo tengo con terminacion .so como lo pongo

lo e actualizado y tampoco el mismo error

Deja el doble post.... Para cambiarlo solo dale "cambiar nombre" y ponle en vez de ".dll" ".so" y listo.. tambirn el server.cfg pone por ejemplo "sscanf.so" claro si es un host linux..

Buena e estado actualizando y este es lo que me pasa


Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, ©2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[22:48:02] Server Plugins
[22:48:02] --------------
[22:48:02] Loading plugin: streamer

*** Streamer Plugin v2.7.7 by Incognito loaded ***

[22:48:02] Loaded.
[22:48:02] Loading plugin: sscanf
[22:48:02] Failed.
[22:48:02] Loaded 1 plugins.

[22:48:02] Filterscripts
[22:48:02] ---------------
[22:48:02] Loading filterscript 'mapas.amx'...
[22:48:02] *** Streamer Plugin: Include file version (0x27002) does not match plugin version (0x277001) (script might need to be recompiled with the latest include file)
[22:48:02] Loading filterscript 'ArmasEnElSuelo.amx'...
[22:48:02] Loading filterscript 'ArmasEnlaEspa.amx'...
[22:48:02] Loading filterscript 'Laser.amx'...
-- Cargando Perfectamente el FS de Laser --

[22:48:02] Loading filterscript 'Velocimetro.amx'...
[22:48:02] Loaded 5 filterscripts.

[22:48:02] Script[gamemodes/VC-RP.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[22:48:02] Number of vehicle models: 0


me sale un error en el scanff y otro en un fs el de mapa

Debes actualizar el include streamer y el plugin. Luego compilar denuevo la gm. Y evita el doble post o debo repprtartr

lo e actualizado y me sale otra vez los fallos


Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, ©2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[23:19:25] Server Plugins
[23:19:25] --------------
[23:19:25] Loading plugin: streamer
[23:19:25] Failed.
[23:19:25] Loading plugin: sscanf
[23:19:25] Failed.
[23:19:25] Loaded 0 plugins.

[23:19:25] Filterscripts
[23:19:25] ---------------
[23:19:25] Loading filterscript 'mapas.amx'...
[23:19:25] Loading filterscript 'ArmasEnElSuelo.amx'...
[23:19:25] Loading filterscript 'ArmasEnlaEspa.amx'...
[23:19:25] Loading filterscript 'Laser.amx'...
-- Cargando Perfectamente el FS de Laser --

[23:19:25] Loading filterscript 'Velocimetro.amx'...
[23:19:25] Loaded 5 filterscripts.

[23:19:25] Script[gamemodes/VC-RP.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[23:19:25] Number of vehicle models: 0

https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=102865 con este lo actualice v2.8.2

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