Parachute anti-hack!

Hello all!Today i created a code that will check when players hacks parachute.I need this because players can avoid being detected from other weapon hacking by just spawning a parachute.Code is working good and it detects parachute hack,but there is a problem when players jump from helicopters,planes.....They will get a parachute from that and then will get banned for parachute hacking.Is there any way how i can prevent that??!


else if( PlayerInfo[playerid][pGuns][11] != 46 && GetPlayerWeapon( playerid ) == 46)
            if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pConnectTime] < 2)
                new WeaponName[32];
				GetWeaponName(newweapon, WeaponName, sizeof(WeaponName));
				new string[128];
				format(STRING, "Weapon Hacking: %s", WeaponName);
				BanPlayer(501, playerid, 0, string);
            CheckHack( playerid, newweapon );

Just maybe when OnpLayerExitVehicle check vehicle model and give parachute in variable.

Why you dont want them to hack parachute, because they cant to any harm with it.

Originally Posted by CodeStyle175
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Why you dont want them to hack parachute, because they cant to any harm with it.
They can cause some server desync or what so ever with it, You can damaged and destroyed unoccupied vehicles with the Parachute On (you can also damage the Singleplayer AIs inside the interiors).

To check if player has hacked a parachute (without getting a false detection from these helicopters etc..) is that check if the player is in a helicopter or plane. If they are on these vehicles then give them a legit parachute from your custom server sided weapon system to prevent getting a false detections from your anticheat

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