Minigames Server

So I have been scripting Minigames Server lately and it's going well so far.

Today I wanna ask y'all how would you implement your own minigames server, Like how is it going to work?
I have seen two Mini-Games/Mini-Missions server and so far they are owned by one team, I used to play there (they are my inspiration, really, no competition bruh)

* This is the way how I scripted my own minigames server ;

- Create a minigames gamemode, the file name is their assigned gameID (for instance, SFTDM is 1.pwn)
- Run a timer which checks if the round has ended
- If the round has ended, CallRemoteFunction EndGame will be called (the parameter is the current gameid).
- EndGame from Filterscript with the gameid parameter (for instance SFTDM is finished, Parkour = 2.pwn is next)
- A filterscript which manages the admin/vip commands, User Account System+ and Game Change phase
All of the scripts are linked to each other (with an additional custom include+)

So what do you think?

Note; My method uses the RCON command changemode

- I'd make it so that restarting isn't required.
- Make the next game random (excluding modes already played).
- Add interesting games instead of those boring ass ones most minigames servers have, which are mostly death-math and racing.

Why not do something like an array holding the mode name (and mode id) and then another array that holds all the modes map name and their fs name. I am also working on a multi mode/ mini game server

Originally Posted by ALiScripter
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Why not do something like an array holding the mode name (and mode id) and then another array that holds all the modes map name and their fs name. I am also working on a multi mode/ mini game server
A multi-mode server is a different concept, there's no need for restarts and basically every mode is open to joins at once.

Originally Posted by ALiScripter
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Why not do something like an array holding the mode name (and mode id) and then another array that holds all the modes map name and their fs name. I am also working on a multi mode/ mini game server
I am thinking the same idea.

Originally Posted by SickAttack
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- I'd make it so that restarting isn't required.
- Make the next game random (excluding modes already played).
- Add interesting games instead of those boring ass ones most minigames servers have, which are mostly death-math and racing.
I once tried to make all the games in one script but I ended up coding it horribly so I ended up making these scripts on their own respective gamemode scripts.

As the ex-scripter of MG, the creator of Games League game-mode, i've only found it to be sufficient to have no restarts, that was the core of the GL gamemode.
it doesn't restart and uses a scheme of (game1.amx, game2.amx..) for filterscripts, with editable classes/real time map changing. I had too much trouble achieving such stability,but i've got it to be stable after so much debugging and such crap, i've got around 20 maps made by Zezima, and the games would just be made by including an include which i named ( in the map source and this include had around 30~ useful functions to get any map included into the main core in a matter of minutes such as:
And it also redirects normal samp funcs. as AddPlayerClass and such stuff to be connected to the main core,
it was a fun experience but i haven't put it online, just a full proof-of-concept made laying around with bunch of working games.

edit: for real, i just passed 150 post count, that shouldn't have happened. Jesus...

Can someone give me a head start on how would I create a minigames script in just one script without using techniques such as "Changemode" etc...

Above post gives me a little head start but I can't understand some of these.

There are literally 2 ways:

1. All modes in gamemode, maps as filterscripts or in the gamemode if you want.

pawn Code:
    case MODE_1:
        // stuff
    // others
where needed.

2. Modes and maps as filterscripts, unload fs of previous mode & map, load fs of new mode & map.

It isn't that hard. I'd prefer the 1st way btw, go with anyone though, I don't really care.

Originally Posted by JaKe Elite
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Can someone give me a head start on how would I create a minigames script in just one script without using techniques such as "Changemode" etc...

Above post gives me a little head start but I can't understand some of these.
IMO, that's more trouble than it's worth. Namely because there isn't a "RemovePlayerClass". Everything else can be destroyed, but for some odd reason classes can't be removed once added.

Originally Posted by JaKe Elite
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I did prefer the second one as I am having a hard time figuring out how would I make player classes work together in just one script.

Though I have a question if I am gonna make the Minigames Script with the Method #2, What would the filterscript contains besides the Maps? and what would the gamemode contain?
Gamemode: general-stuff/same-things-for-all-modes
Filterscript: mode stuff & stuff that overwrites gm stuff

Originally Posted by Vince
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IMO, that's more trouble than it's worth. Namely because there isn't a "RemovePlayerClass". Everything else can be destroyed, but for some odd reason classes can't be removed once added.
Yet still achievable with some extra code.

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