Server causes frequent client crashes (mostly 0x6BD)

Hello sa-mp forums.

I've had major issues lately with my clients timing out from the server. It happens very frequently, and many face severe issues playing on the server. I'm quite sure this is not related to mods or map objects - as the crashes and issues remain even with all cars and objects removed.

So lets assume this is a pure script issue, server sided.

There are really no connections to find by monitoring each player until they crash. Some play for 3 minutes, someone crash just after logging in, and other crash after hours of playtime. And it doesn't matter what they do, or where they are.

I found the most common crash SCM Op's to be:

1. 0x6BD - which is something related to if there is anything in the sight between two coordinates. Is_line_of_sight_clear according to GTAGaming's OPcode database.

2. 0x470 - get_current_car_weapon - assume it has something to do about checking which weapons that's visible or not at the player peds?

3. 0x2BF - "if vehicle is submerged in water" - it's a bit less common, but appears a few times.

Those codes are retrieved by the community that has contributed their crash logs each time they crashed.

I also added a script that would check for illegal vehicle parts on all the vehicles, to avoid the crashes there.
Does anyone have an idea what I could do to step forward and get this fixed? It's a shame to see players time out so frequently, and at a point they'll get tired of it. I don't have any clue what could cause this.


EDIT: This was sorted out. Was a script related issue with house pickups and objects.

When did all this start happening? Recently? In that case the only suggestion I have is check things you've edited / added recently.

I wish it was that easy myself, but I am not sure when it started. I just know that it was working in v2 (now it's v3 and has been v3 for almost 2 years).

Else i would have attempted to remove recent features to get it back stable and perhaps fix it before releasing it again Not a bad thought, but not possible to say in my case.

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