11.12.2016, 18:33
I have troubles with the new MySQL version.
I can't get string value:
Here is the query:
Here is the callback:
It prints just LOZ: which means the variable is null.
I have troubles with the new MySQL version.
I can't get string value:
Here is the query:
mysql_format(ServerDB, query, sizeof(query), "SELECT `Lozinka` FROM `igraci` WHERE `KorisnickoIme` = '%e'", ime[playerid]); mysql_tquery(ServerDB, query, "ProveriAkaunt", "i", playerid);
public ProveriAkaunt(playerid) { cache_get_value_name(0, iData[playerid][Lozinka], "Lozinka", 30); printf("LOZ: %s", iData[playerid][Lozinka]); return 1; }