Fix some possible server attack&hacking?

Hello everybody.
In the past, i have some samp servers. 30% of them was hacked by sqli injection
Now, im working at a new gamemode.
I already fixed sql injection with escape string, but a guy tell me he can hack my server when he want.
I have a panel of my gamemode, but it's not problem because it's protected (anti sqli, anti shell, etc).
Can u guys can help me with some ideas how to protect server? He told me at the opening will ban all my players, how he can do that?

Make sure to have proper logging. In case of an attack, you'll at least be able to determine how it was carried out.

I already made a pin system.
I'm single person who have acces at the panel informations, no one else.
I dont have admins yet, and i dont have at opening, only me.
- How cand i remove permanently rcon ?
- How can i search of backdoors commands?

Originally Posted by TopShooter
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To disable the rcon password, try the following;

Use a password similar to this password: " ש א k s ד ו ז ח י"
I tried this rcon password on my server and it doesn't let anyone login to the rcon, although they copied/pasted this pass.

If it didn't work then try this snippet;

PHP Code:
public OnRconLoginAttempt(ip[], password[], success)

This snippet will kick anybody who logs to the rcon.
You need a forloop OnRconLoginAttempt doesn't have a playerid parameter,also i'll advice add chances like 3/3 chances then you get kick in the case of a wrong spelling you'll get kick.

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