Team Balance and Auto Team Balance

Hey guys, I am making a TDM GM and I was wondering, if you can give me some ways how to balance teams (prevent 5 players joining team 1 and only 2 to team 2) ?
and also a team balance CMD to split them if much disconnected etc
Im not looking for scripts, Im looking for suggestions

Make a global variable, increase it when player join the team, decrease it when the player disconnect/join another team.

PHP код:
static TeamBalance 0;
//OnPlayerConnect/Join team
if(TeamBalance == 5) return SCM(..); // or whatever
//OnPlayerDisconnect/Leave team
//You need to modify it if there is more than one team. 

1. This is wrong section for that.

You can check that by making a variable, increase it when a player joins that class and decrease when a player leaves.

Originally Posted by iLearner
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1. This is wrong section for that.

You can check that by making a variable, increase it when a player joins that class and decrease when a player leaves.
What's better ?
1. TeamVariable where I store inside the players in each team
2. Simply check how many are in a team using an external stock every time they try to join a team (CheckTeamPlayers) etc.

i'd prefer first.

i would prefer using foreach include. it just help shrink the code and work even better!
Lets start with defines, variables and iterators.
#include a_samp
#include foreach
#include izcmd
new Iterator:TeamRedPlayer<MAX_PLAYERS>;
new Iterator:TeamBluePlayer<MAX_PLAYERS>;
new bool:IsInTDM[MAX_PLAYERS];

#define Team_Red 	1
#define Team_Blue 	2
Well now lets add a command so that we enter a team that can auto balance itself
	if(Iter_Count(TeamRedPlayer) > Iter_Count(TeamBluePlayer)) // easy
		SetPlayerTeamEx(playerid, Team_Blue);
		SetPlayerTeamEx(playerid, Team_Red);
	return 1;
while working with foreach we have made an extended stock for setting a player's team
stock SetPlayerTeamEx(playerid, teamid)
	    case Team_Red:
			SetPlayerTeam(playerid, Team_Red);///// Setting team id
			SetPlayerColor(playerid, 0xFF0000FF);///// Color Red
			Iter_Add(TeamRedPlayer, playerid);///// Adding in iterator
	    case Team_Blue:
			SetPlayerTeam(playerid, Team_Blue); ///// Setting team id
			SetPlayerColor(playerid, 0x0000FFFF); ///// Color blue
			Iter_Add(TeamBluePlayer, playerid); ///// Adding in iterator
	IsInTDM[playerid] = true; // Confirm that player is in TDM minigame now
	return 1;
Well what if a player disconnects? we must exclude him to avoid false counting obviously

public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason)
	if(IsInTDM[playerid] == true) // checking if true
		ExcludePlayerFromTeam(playerid); //then exclude player
	return 1;

stock ExcludePlayerFromTeam(playerid)
		case Team_Red:
			Iter_Remove(TeamRedPlayer, playerid); //// Removing player so he wont be counted
			SetPlayerColor(playerid, 0xFFFF00FF); ///// Color Setting yellow color say no team color
			SetPlayerTeam(playerid, NO_TEAM); ///// Setting team id to none
		case Team_Blue:
			Iter_Remove(TeamRedPlayer, playerid); //// Removing player so he wont be counted
			SetPlayerColor(playerid, 0xFFFF00FF); ///// Color Setting yellow color say no team color
			SetPlayerTeam(playerid, NO_TEAM); ///// Setting team id to none
			return 0; // in case player was not in the specified team
	IsInTDM[playerid] = false; // ensure that player is no more in this TDM minigame
	return 1;

Originally Posted by gurmani11
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i would prefer using foreach include. it just help shrink the code and work even better!
Lets start with defines, variables and iterators.
#include a_samp
#include foreach
#include izcmd
new Iterator:TeamRedPlayer<MAX_PLAYERS>;
new Iterator:TeamBluePlayer<MAX_PLAYERS>;
new bool:IsInTDM[MAX_PLAYERS];

#define Team_Red 	1
#define Team_Blue 	2
Well now lets add a command so that we enter a team that can auto balance itself
	if(Iter_Count(TeamRedPlayer) > Iter_Count(TeamBluePlayer)) // easy
		SetPlayerTeamEx(playerid, Team_Blue);
		SetPlayerTeamEx(playerid, Team_Red);
	return 1;
while working with foreach we have made an extended stock for setting a player's team
stock SetPlayerTeamEx(playerid, teamid)
	    case Team_Red:
			SetPlayerTeam(playerid, Team_Red);///// Setting team id
			SetPlayerColor(playerid, 0xFF0000FF);///// Color Red
			Iter_Add(TeamRedPlayer, playerid);///// Adding in iterator
	    case Team_Blue:
			SetPlayerTeam(playerid, Team_Blue); ///// Setting team id
			SetPlayerColor(playerid, 0x0000FFFF); ///// Color blue
			Iter_Add(TeamBluePlayer, playerid); ///// Adding in iterator
	IsInTDM[playerid] = true; // Confirm that player is in TDM minigame now
	return 1;
Well what if a player disconnects? we must exclude him to avoid false counting obviously

public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason)
	if(IsInTDM[playerid] == true) // checking if true
		ExcludePlayerFromTeam(playerid); //then exclude player
	return 1;

stock ExcludePlayerFromTeam(playerid)
		case Team_Red:
			Iter_Remove(TeamRedPlayer, playerid); //// Removing player so he wont be counted
			SetPlayerColor(playerid, 0xFFFF00FF); ///// Color Setting yellow color say no team color
			SetPlayerTeam(playerid, NO_TEAM); ///// Setting team id to none
		case Team_Blue:
			Iter_Remove(TeamRedPlayer, playerid); //// Removing player so he wont be counted
			SetPlayerColor(playerid, 0xFFFF00FF); ///// Color Setting yellow color say no team color
			SetPlayerTeam(playerid, NO_TEAM); ///// Setting team id to none
			return 0; // in case player was not in the specified team
	IsInTDM[playerid] = false; // ensure that player is no more in this TDM minigame
	return 1;
Thanks in advice, I'm not sure if it's worth it but I'll check it out.

Worth what? If you start using Foreach, you'll save a load of time. If you mean, if it's worth learning or not, then maybe you shouldn't be scripting a server. The more you know with programming, the further you will go. Plugins extend the Pawn Language, includes as well. Adding extra functions, and helping developers tackle issues.

In my opinion foreach is essential part of a gamemode and except the pre-made iterators, you can make your own iterators which come in handy for many cases.

To add to gurmani11's post, when I read "auto team balance" I remembered something I had written in the past:
pawn Код:
// modified for his version:

    new i, j, random_player;


    foreach(i : Player)
        if (/* player is logged in/spawned etc. - able to play in next round, in other words */)
            Iter_Add(TeamRedPlayer, i);

    for (i = 0, j = Iter_Count(TeamRedPlayer) / 2; i <= j; i++)
        random_player = Iter_Random(TeamRedPlayer);
        Iter_Add(TeamBluePlayer, random_player);
        Iter_Remove(TeamRedPlayer, random_player);

Originally Posted by Konstantinos
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In my opinion foreach is essential part of a gamemode and except the pre-made iterators, you can make your own iterators which come in handy for many cases.

To add to gurmani11's post, when I read "auto team balance" I remembered something I had written in the past:
pawn Код:
// modified for his version:

    new i, j, random_player;


    foreach(i : Player)
        if (/* player is logged in/spawned etc. - able to play in next round, in other words */)
            Iter_Add(TeamRedPlayer, i);

    for (i = 0, j = Iter_Count(TeamRedPlayer) / 2; i <= j; i++)
        random_player = Iter_Random(TeamRedPlayer);
        Iter_Add(TeamBluePlayer, random_player);
        Iter_Remove(TeamRedPlayer, random_player);
Well quite a nice work with random thingy.

what do you think about this?
stock AutoBalance()
	new GetDifference = Iter_Count(TeamRedPlayer) - Iter_Count(TeamBluePlayer);
	if(GetDifference < 2) return 0;
		if(Iter_Count(TeamRedPlayer) > Iter_Count(TeamBluePlayer))
			SetPlayerTeamEx(random(Iter_Count(TeamRedPlayer)), Team_Blue);
			SetPlayerTeamEx(random(Iter_Count(TeamBluePlayer)), Team_Red);
	return 1;

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