[FilterScript] EO_VIP system

EO_VIP system Version 2.0
(v2.0) Released in 3rd March 2018
(Stable version)

Hello there everybody, here I stand before you(metaphorically) in another very great day,
Here I spent a lot of time learning how to code for SAMP servers, fixing my mistakes in code, learning new algorithms and so...
And here I am, after a sweet time learning for such great community tutors, presenting my very first filterscript,


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  • Description
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  • Update Log
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  • The Use
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  • Credits

Credits first because they are more important!
    **a_samp			     SA_MP team
    **a_mysql			     BlueG              > https://github.com/pBlueG/SA-MP-MySQL/re...6.56489731    **streamer			     incognito          > github.com/samp-incognito/samp-streamer-plugin/releases/tag/v2.9.1
    **sscanf2			     ******             > github.com/maddinat0r/sscanf/releases/tag/v2.8.2
    **iZCMD			     Zeex / Yashas      > github.com/YashasSamaga/I-ZCMD
    **YSI\y_timers		     ******             > github.com/Misiur/YSI
    **Filterscript and Include:      Oussama
This is a project started on the 1st September 2016, It's an ongoing project, which would provide new features every update, as well as a regular update schedule,
This is a VIP based system filerscript, which would focus on granting you an ideal VIP system, and the less complicated overall previous ones,

What's new
  • * Bug fixes.
  • * Code optimization.
  • * Typo fixes.
  • * Enhanced commands.
  • * Include compatibility.
Update log
( v1.8 ) Released 13th July2017

-Script Optimisation
-Many bug fixes
-VIP Expiration is more solid now, and will automatically reset expired VIP accounts

( v1.7 ) Released 10th July2017

-Converted to MySQL
-VIP Toys readded
-Many bug fixes

( v1.6 ) Released 30th Junary 2017

-Converted to SQLite
-Added a new RCON admin command /vipcount
-Many bug fixes

( v1.4 ) Released 13th Septembre 2016

-/vipcmd is updated
-/viphelp is updated
-More colors added to texts
-Added /isvip tp check if a player is VIP or not
-Added /vipgpp - you can create any gun pack preset to be able to spawn it via /vipgp (only for level 4)
-Added /viptoys - you can attach objects to your character, (around +230 objects)
-You would see a Game text when demoted/promoted on your VIP Status
-You can check if a someone is a VIP or not with a single click on his name
-only available Weather ids would be shown

-Yet a Massive script optimization
-Strings were extended to hold more data
-Spawn in bug option displaying in /vipacc bug fixed
-few objects removed and replaced by others

( v1.0 ) Released 11th Septembre 2016

-/vipcmd is updated
-/viphelp is updated
-/vips is updated
-Added /vipbtp - allows teleporting to the VIP Lounge (for level 4 only)
-Added /vipwc - change the player's weather (each level has multiple weather Ids to choose from depending on their level)
-Added /vipt - change the player's time
-Added /vipbs - choose whether to spawn in the VIP Base or not
-Added /viptag - can be disabled now
-Added /vipgc - Give money from distance to any player (no matter your distance was between you and them)
-Added /vipskin - change your skin (only for level 3 and 4)

-VIP Level 4 armor reduced to 90%
-when using vehicle commands (/vipnos /vipfix..etc), you would hear a tuning sound if the command executed just fine
-VIPs would receive random Tips every 15mins
-Non-VIPs would receive a ClientMessage advertising on the available VIP levels to motivate them into buying a VIP Account (Timer set to 30 mins)
-level 3 have 5 options of skins to choose between, while for level 4 VIPs it's 10
-/vipcmds is now a Dialog based command (previously it was just ClientMessages)
-/vips is now a Dialog based command (previously it was just ClientMessages)

-Yet another Massive script optimization

-Text bug fixed
-Account types mix bug fixed
-Gate noise can be heard inside of the VIP Lounge bug fixed
-/vipacc account type string extended

-Map Tweaking

( v0.8 ) Released 9th Septembre 2016

-/vipcmd is updated
-Added /vipgp, loads the user with different set of guns depending on their VIP Level for (Level 2, 3 and 4 VIPs), it's also closed between a timer of 15mins, and won't function unless a whole 15mins expires from last use
-Added /viptag , sticks a 3d Text on VIPs to let them show off their Level
- Added /vipnos installs nitrous in a vehicle
-Added /vipefix fix vehicle engine (Level 2, 3 and 4)
-Added /vipbfix fix vehicle body (for level 4 only)
-Added /flip flips a vehicle

-VIP Gates are automatically closed after 6 seconds if none closed them
-Gates make some noise when opening/closing for mo realistic feel
-VIP Cars have a 3d Text labeling them(only visible when getting closer to them)
-Whenever someone enters/leaves in the VIP Lounge, only VIPs inside would get the client message informing them about their actions,
-When the VIP Vehicle gets destroyed, the 3d Text label will too, and will be spanwed with it after 5seconds
-All VIP Cars have nitrous installed

-Massive script optimization(in earlier versions amx file = 375kb// now it's 58kb)

-Bug /vipcmds fixed
-Bug VIP Gates fixed

-VIP Vehicles reduced to 37 (38 vehicles previously)
-Many map tweaking has been made

(v0.5) Released 7th Septembre 2016
-/vipcmd is updated

-VIP Cars are set to Yellow color
-Non_VIP players would be ejected from VIP cars once they try to hijack them
-VIP Base Gate added (can be opened/closed with a single "N" press)
-Whenever someone enters the VIP Lounge, all VIPs would be receiving a Client Message informing about that
-More colors Added to texts for a better appearance

-Data would be saved every time a player disconnects to recover lost data

-VIP Timer kill bug fixed

-38 Vehicles added to the VIP Base
-3D Label added to the Lounge entrance
-VIP Mansion can be accessible

(v0.3.5) Released 6th Septembre 2016
-Added /vipacc command - Displays extra info about one's VIP level (Rank, Account type, registration date, days left...)
-Added /carc command - Changed vehicle color (only for VIP level 2, 3 and 4)
-/vipcmd is updated

-added Level 3 VIP would spawn with 40% armor
-added Level 4 VIP would spawn with 100% armor
-/carc command would charge VIP levels with different costs + discounts depending you how high the level is
-Chat clear on spawn
-VIP account will expire after 30 days

-Script optimization
-The date when the VIP account was set is now saved in the VIP .in! file to provide extra information

-Console printf bug fixed

-VIP Lounge walls and a lot was specified and partly mapped(work still in process)
-3D label included

(v0.2) Released 6th Septembre 2016
-added /vips command - Displays a list of connected VIPs
-added /vipcmds command - Displays a useful collection of VIP commands
-added /viphelp command - Displays some more info related to one's VIP level

-added Level 3 VIP would spawn with 40% armor
-added Level 4 VIP would spawn with 100% armor Spawn text bug fixed

-Spawn text bug fixed

(v0.1) Released 5th Septembre 2016
- 4 different VIP levels

Rank 1: Silver Account
Rank 2: Gold Account
Rank 3: Platinum Account
Rank 4: Diamond Account

- Data Saving system, with YSI\y_ini from ******
- /vc [message]: VIP Chat


Imagur Album: http://imgur.com/a/ciHuM

The Use
**To set someone's VIP level, you should:
1- Login as RCON Admin (/rcon login (ROCN password)
2- Use /setvip (playerid) (VIP level[1, 2, 3, 4])

**To unset someone's VIP level, you should:
1- Login as RCON Admin (/rcon login (ROCN password)
2- Use /setvip (playerid) (0)

  • 1 put EOVIP.pwn inside of your filterscripts folder.
  • 2 put eovip.inc inside of pawno/include folder.
  • 3 open the EOVIP.pwn with your text editor and compile it.
  • 4 go to your server.cfg and add; EOVIP on filterscripts line.
  • 5 open up database.sql and execute the code to create a database with the VIPs table.
There are few useful functions in eovip.inc
PHP Code:
native setVIPLevel(playeridvlevel);
native getVIPLevel(playerid);
native bool:isPlayerVIP(playerid);
native getVIPName(playerid);
native getPlayerAccID(playerid);
native bool:isPlayerVIPTagActive(playerid);
native bool:isVIPInLoungue(playerid);
native TogglePlayerVIPTag(playeridbool:param);
native SendClientMessageToVIPs(const message[], colorexception INVALID_PLAYER_IDminLvl EOVIP_VIPLEVEL_1maxLvl EOVIP_VIPLEVEL_4);
native ResetVIPData(playerid);
native SaveVIPData(playeridMySQL:handle);
native CreateVIPBase();
native ToggleVIPGates(bool:action);
native bool:isVIPGateOpened();
native CreateVIPVehicles();
native bool:isVIPVehicle(vehicleid);
native PlaySoundForAll(soundidFloat:posXFloat:posYFloat:posZ);
native StopSoundForAll(); 
Adding more commands is easy,
PHP Code:
isPlayerVIP(playerid) == false) return SendClientMessage(playerid0xFF000080"[ERROR]: You are not a VIP!");
// Your code here

PHP Code:
EOVIP_VIPLEVEL_1SendClientMessage(playerid0xFF000080" You are VIP level 1!");
EOVIP_VIPLEVEL_2SendClientMessage(playerid0xFF000080" You are VIP level 2!");
EOVIP_VIPLEVEL_3SendClientMessage(playerid0xFF000080" You are VIP level 3!");
EOVIP_VIPLEVEL_4SendClientMessage(playerid0xFF000080" You are VIP level 4!");
SendClientMessage(playerid0xFF000080" You are not a VIP!");

That simple!



Filterscript : https://pastebin.com/D4Esp91W
Include : https://pastebin.com/8YU73n6m
Database : https://pastebin.com/WcfE7ceB

NOTE: Do not sell this filterscript, such acts would not be tolerated

If you liked it, give it a +REP

Originally Posted by Eoussama
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EO_VIP system Version 0.8
Hello there everybody, here I stand before you(metaphorically) in another very great day,
Here I spent a lot of time learning how to code for SAMP servers, fixing my mistakes in code, learning new algorithms and so..
And here I am, after a sweet time learning for such great community tutors, presenting my very first filterscript,

This is a project started in the 1th September 2016, It's an ongoing project, which would provide new features every update, as well as a regular update schedule,
This is a VIP based system filerscript, which would focus on granting you an ideal VIP system, and the less complicated overall previous ones,

-well, this is just the first version, so it has just the basics for the system to keep running,-
VIP Accounts
- 4 different VIP levels

**Note: Rank 0 is Normal Account(non-VIP Account)
- Data Saving system, with YSI\y_ini from ******
- /vc [message]: VIP Chat

The use
to make someone a VIP, you should log in as RCON, then use /setvip (playerid) (VIP level)



More Features on Version 0.2
Thread updated

Well i will test it and i will tell you my openion :c
Added Pastbin code+ some Pictures..

Originally Posted by Younes44
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Well i will test it and i will tell you my openion :c
Added Pastbin code+ some Pictures..
Sure, dying to hear your feedback

It's awesome... I Added a few cmds

Filterscript updated,

Originally Posted by Eoussama
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Ehh ?..
why to create another thread ? just update ur thread Here..
and i'am still waiting Images/Vide ?

Please, post a pastebin link.
I'll check it.
Use switch instead of else if like:
PHP Code:
stock ErrorMessages(playeriderrorID)
errorID == 1
errorID == 2)  return SendClientMessage(playerid,RED,"ERROR: Player is not connected");
errorID == 3)  
errorID == 4)  
errorID == 5

PHP Code:
: return SendClientMessage(playerid,RED,"ERROR: You are not a VIP");
: return SendClientMessage(playerid,RED,"ERROR: Player is not connected");
: return SendClientMessage(playerid,RED,"ERROR: You need to be VIP level 2 or above to use this command");
: return SendClientMessage(playerid,RED,"ERROR: You need to be VIP level 3 or above to use this command");
: return SendClientMessage(playerid,RED,"ERROR: You need to be VIP level 4 to use this command");

By the way, you don't need stock as a filterscript.
There is too many useless callback called there.

Sorry for the offtopic, but why is it better to use switch than else if??


Why don't you put this on GitHub?

Originally Posted by AndySedeyn
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Why don't you put this on GitHub?
This is ironic, but I don't know how to properly use Github atm, It would take me a while to adapt, this whole branch/master thing is just so unreachable to me,
btw did you like what is is going in to?

Originally Posted by Eoussama
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This is ironic, but I don't know how to properly use Github atm, It would take me a while to adapt, this whole branch/master thing is just so unreachable to me,
btw did you like what is is going in to?
I briefly looked at the code and it looked fine to me. And as for GitHub, it's worth the effort. I didn't use the branches until recently, so it's not a huge problem.


NOTE Do not upload/edit this folterscript without my permission, such acts would not be tolerated

Are you high?
It's not like so that you have a DMCA Copyright for this, you're giving out code and saying "Do not touch this code".

Updated to v0.5
new features ^^

UPDATED to v0.8

more commands and features
The next update would be more advanced, I'll upload it as soon as I hit 10 repetation

It's not bad but there is a lot of things you could improve on.

- Remove all unused callbacks
- It should have sqlite/mysql support
- Better integration into exisiting gamemodes (make an include version)
- Continue development new features

3-Stars from me

Originally Posted by Pottus
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It's not bad but there is a lot of things you could improve on.

- Remove all unused callbacks
- It should have sqlite/mysql support
- Better integration into exisiting gamemodes (make an include version)
- Continue development new features

3-Stars from me
Sure, when a more stable version releases, I'll make an include that would work smoothely with this along with all other futural projects

Not bad, but try adding come VIP toys (hats, glasses..etc) they can use.

Nice work Man.
Keep it up !

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