Splitting the scores into two parts

How can i split the scores into police scores and criminal scores?I'm using cScore and rScore in the playerinfo enum

Originally Posted by Sunehildeep
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How can i split the scores into police scores and criminal scores?I'm using cScore and rScore in the playerinfo enum
just save them into separate names on .ini file

Bro. I mean like, see suppose a player killed a wanted criminal so we will get police scores, but to give them scores what line should be used


-__- . Bro lol im not talking about this. HOW can i make the GetPlayerScore line for cScore and rScore?

btw i don't have idea on how to use GetPlayerTargetActor.. How can it be used for aiming at it and pressing Y to pop up a dialog [Pressing y=onplayerkeystatechange but GetPlayerTargetActor and its usage i checked wiki too but still can't understand it]

make two vars to hold them increment one of them according to the need thats it.Same vars can be used to save in the database.

I think you're looking for
SetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid, /*The score*/);
based on your replies.

You want to add something like this:

public OnPlayerDeath( playerid, killerid, reason )
	if( playerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID && killerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID )
	    if( GetPlayerWantedLevel( playerid ) > 0 ) // They are a wanted player
	    	PlayerData[ killerid ][ cScore ]++; // Replace the PlayerData with whatever your enum is

	    	/* Update Player Total Score ( Maybe this is what you meant ? ) */
	    	SetPlayerScore( playerid, PlayerData[ killerid ][ cScore ] + PlayerData[ killerid ][ rScore ] ); // Not sure if you wanted to add the points together to form the total score?

	return 1;
Because you haven't gone into detail about exactly what you wanted, this is as close as i could get to what I believe you wanted.

Originally Posted by azzerking
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You want to add something like this:

public OnPlayerDeath( playerid, killerid, reason )
	if( playerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID && killerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID )
	    if( GetPlayerWantedLevel( playerid ) > 0 ) // They are a wanted player
	    	PlayerData[ killerid ][ cScore ]++; // Replace the PlayerData with whatever your enum is

	    	/* Update Player Total Score ( Maybe this is what you meant ? ) */
	    	SetPlayerScore( playerid, PlayerData[ killerid ][ cScore ] + PlayerData[ killerid ][ rScore ] ); // Not sure if you wanted to add the points together to form the total score?

	return 1;
Because you haven't gone into detail about exactly what you wanted, this is as close as i could get to what I believe you wanted.
Thanks this is what i was looking for

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