31.08.2016, 19:42
Little coding questions - For general minor queries 5
06.09.2016, 19:24
Does 'GetPlayerTargetPlayer' work with fists when you press right mouse button and a triangle appears over the other player's head?
06.09.2016, 21:54
06.09.2016, 22:11
Why doesn't easybmp.dll work for me? I have the latest .NET frameworks, updated permissions and run the file as an admin.
Got it from here: https://github.com/grasmanek94/SA-MP.../master/server
Got it from here: https://github.com/grasmanek94/SA-MP.../master/server
pawn Code:
plugins streamer mapandreas eb
pawn Code:
[00:06:18] Server Plugins
[00:06:18] --------------
[00:06:18] Loading plugin: streamer
*** Streamer Plugin v2.7.8 by Incognito loaded ***
[00:06:18] Loaded.
[00:06:18] Loading plugin: mapandreas
[00:06:18] Loaded.
[00:06:18] Loading plugin: eb
[00:06:18] Failed.
[00:06:18] Loaded 2 plugins.
07.09.2016, 08:16
For some reason he compiled it with the debug version and requires both msvcp100d.dll and msvcr100d.dll
Pottus/Crayder have these two files for Texture Studio:
Pottus/Crayder have these two files for Texture Studio:
07.09.2016, 08:54
For some reason he compiled it with the debug version and requires both msvcp100d.dll and msvcr100d.dll
Pottus/Crayder have these two files for Texture Studio: https://github.com/Pottus/Texture-St...d.dll?raw=true https://github.com/Pottus/Texture-St...d.dll?raw=true |
07.09.2016, 11:48
Last edited by Counterafk; 07/09/2016 at 02:21 PM.

08.09.2016, 00:25
How can I put default values with sscanf ? Like if the player isn't using a variable, so the variable take the default value like a function.
08.09.2016, 00:46
Last edited by Spmn; 08/09/2016 at 11:27 AM.
sscanf(string, "d(123)f(3.14)", intvar, floatvar);
// Oh, sorry! Long time, no s...scanf
22.09.2016, 14:17
22.09.2016, 17:05
Последний раз редактировалось Dayrion; 22.09.2016 в 17:39.
Debug it to see what value the variable holds and what gettime returns. If the values are pretty much close, you will most likely need to check ErrorMsg for any mistake that messes the arguments. If not, just make sure TPS_PM is really 30 because I can't think of any other reason.
PHP код:
new temp = PmTime[playerid] - gettime();
SCMF(playerid, -1, "temp = %i", temp);
if(PmTime[playerid] && PmTime[playerid] > gettime())
ErrorMsg(playerid, "Vous devez attendre encore %i sec avant d'envoyer un PM.", _, temp);
ErrorMsg(playerid, "Vous devez attendre encore %i sec avant d'envoyer un PM.", temp); // also i tried this one, same thing
new str[120];
format(str, sizeof(str), "- Vous devez attendre encore %i sec avant d'envoyer un PM.", temp);
SendClientMessageToAll(-1, str);
[18:58:12] temp = -1474563492 // this is ok [18:58:12] - Vous devez attendre encore -1474563492 sec avant d'envoyer un PM. // same thing, it's k [18:58:12] temp = 30 // alright, we have the right value [18:58:12] [Erreur] Vous devez attendre encore 1920091483 sec avant d'envoyer un PM. // wtf? [18:58:12] - Vous devez attendre encore 30 sec avant d'envoyer un PM.' // the right value there
PHP код:
ErrorMsg(playerid, const msg[] = EOS, allowed = true, va_args<>)
new message[190];
va_format(message, sizeof(message), msg, va_start<3>);
return SCMF(playerid, REDF, "[Erreur] Vous n'кtes pas autorisй а utiliser cette commande.");
return SCMF(playerid, REDF, "[Erreur] %s", msg);
Solved; As you Konst' said the problem came from my function. '-'
PHP код:
stock ErrorMsg(playerid, allowed = true, const msg[] = EOS, va_args<>)
new message[190];
static const premsg[] = "[Erreur] %s";
return SCMF(playerid, REDF, "[Erreur] Vous n'кtes pas autorisй а utiliser cette commande.");
if(numargs() == 2)
return SCMF(playerid, REDF, premsg, msg);
va_format(message, sizeof(message), msg, va_start<3>);
return SCMF(playerid, REDF, "[Erreur] %s", message);
24.09.2016, 15:41
PHP код:
new bool:male = false;
new gender[11];
gender = (male ? ("Male") : ("Female"));
printf("%s\n", gender);
result: "Femal" (NOT a typo)
24.09.2016, 16:24
I don't know why this happens but swapping them fixes the issue:
pawn Код:
gender = !male ? ("Female") : ("Male");
24.09.2016, 17:07
The problem is the "movs" instruction because the number of bytes need to be known beforehand, it takes it from the first argument
27.09.2016, 10:52
I need a command that will fine (take some money) players who are offline at that moment....i have command for online but not for online...e.g like \offlinefine [playername(it should check if player exists or not)[amount][reason]
Im using Zcmd and y_ini
Im using Zcmd and y_ini
27.09.2016, 13:05
^^ above post (3385)
You can also save the offline fine string and let the player know when they connect.
PHP код:
// indent the code yourself - just an example.
new targetname[24], finee, filestring[79];
if(sscanf(params, "s[24]d", targetname, finee)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{C0C0C0}USAGE: /offlinefine [Player Name] [fine]");
format(filestring, sizeof(filestring), "location/%s.ini", targetname);
if(!fexist(filestring)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "The player name you have chosen was not found in our system.");
new INI:File = INI_Open(filestring);
// set player tag
// take fine and put the fine value
// done!
27.09.2016, 14:48
^^ above post (3385)
PHP код:
27.09.2016, 16:34
^^ In your script you must be using tags for the saving files. I would recommend you to move towards MySQL, download MySQL r40 and use the example script for learning purpose, upgrade to MySQL r41 and use the example script for a base of MySQL. If your OS doesn't supports r40+ use r39-6, as I am using it too. MySQL is relatively easier and better.
27.09.2016, 17:00
Ohhh sure if i upgrade to mysql..i will have to rewrite my script or something?
26.11.2016, 00:51
in the beginning of my filterscript i load all animations, just to be sure that they will be played without having to type the command twice.
However it crashed the player, is there a safer way to do it ? Or is it just impossible to load every libraries at the same time?
in the beginning of my filterscript i load all animations, just to be sure that they will be played without having to type the command twice.
However it crashed the player, is there a safer way to do it ? Or is it just impossible to load every libraries at the same time?
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