Who still plays this?

I do just want a friend to play with

there is a lot of people


This is just creppy imo.If you cant make friends in a game that a lot of people play then thats really sad.

Originally Posted by KeithCooper
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This is just creppy imo.If you cant make friends in a game that a lot of people play then thats really sad.
he is trying to make friends

Originally Posted by Diabloa
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You just get in-game and you make friends there, not on forums lol, that's funny.
how's this any different lmao

look on a MMO's forum and you'll see thousands of these threads. I wouldn't want to be friends with most of the idiots that play random servers, I'd rather make a topic as well.

Originally Posted by Satori_Komeiji
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he is trying to make friends

how's this any different lmao

look on a MMO's forum and you'll see thousands of these threads. I wouldn't want to be friends with most of the idiots that play random servers, I'd rather make a topic as well.
Making topics about wanting to have friends it really sad believe it or not.It's not hard to make friends in a game.Why are people even wanting to have friends in games, they should be looking for friends in real life if you ask me..

Originally Posted by KeithCooper
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Making topics about wanting to have friends it really sad believe it or not.It's not hard to make friends in a game.Why are people even wanting to have friends in games, they should be looking for friends in real life if you ask me..
What's wrong with looking for friends to play with on a game? None of my real life friends play games let alone PC games like me but it doesn't stop me from making friends online with people who I have common interests with. The internet was made for people around the world to socialize so what does looking for people to play with got to do with people having no "friends" in real life? apparently..

Originally Posted by KeithCooper
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Making topics about wanting to have friends it really sad believe it or not.It's not hard to make friends in a game.Why are people even wanting to have friends in games, they should be looking for friends in real life if you ask me..
Leave the dude be, prejudiced scumbag.

Originally Posted by KeithCooper
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Making topics about wanting to have friends it really sad believe it or not.It's not hard to make friends in a game.Why are people even wanting to have friends in games, they should be looking for friends in real life if you ask me..
your logic is so flawed and you know it, it's why you jump from subject to subject and keep on bashing the OP in attempt to prove that you're somewhat correct. 80% of the random players that play SA-MP servers are foreign illiterates that have no regards of how to communicate properly -- besides that even, why would you even say it's not hard to make friends in games yet talk shit to the OP for posting a thread doing exactly that.

honestly, why even give a fuck and put so much effort in trying to get your retarded opinion across. you're the cancer of this forum and the reason many people said fuck it and quit

Originally Posted by ItzDizzY
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What's wrong with looking for friends to play with on a game? None of my real life friends play games let alone PC games like me but it doesn't stop me from making friends online with people who I have common interests with. The internet was made for people around the world to socialize so what does looking for people to play with got to do with people having no "friends" in real life? apparently..
Originally Posted by AndySedeyn
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Leave the dude be, prejudiced scumbag.
Originally Posted by Satori_Komeiji
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your logic is so flawed and you know it, it's why you jump from subject to subject and keep on bashing the OP in attempt to prove that you're somewhat correct. 80% of the random players that play SA-MP servers are foreign illiterates that have no regards of how to communicate properly -- besides that even, why would you even say it's not hard to make friends in games yet talk shit to the OP for posting a thread doing exactly that.

honestly, why even give a fuck and put so much effort in trying to get your retarded opinion across. you're the cancer of this forum and the reason many people said fuck it and quit
I meant nothing bad..I just find it weird that people make topics about wanting to have friends when they can just join a server and make friends without dumb topics.

Saying that people quit samp because of me just proves that you're a idiot if you really think that.If it makes you happy I'll stop and become friendly, suportive and nice like everyone else on these forums..
Also, everyone is intitled to their own opinion no matter if no one agrees.

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