Need help with spawn

Hi, I need help with spawn, I don't know what happened and why it is doing that...
When i log in to server (it's not created by me) I just fly to sky in shape of square . maybe you guys know what is it....I got no clue. Thanks for your time.
Here's picture:

BTW sorry for bad english knowledge...

Well it can be a mistake on your script,like onplayerspawn or connect.You need to show us your script lines otherwise noone can help with only one pic.

Can't remember what causes this. Do you have AddPlayerClass lines in your OnGameModeInit callback?

Try to add this:
PHP код:
on OnPlayerRequestClass.

This usually happens when player is at spectating mode and the player gets teleported or got their camera resetted / setted by the server, try doing @Dayrion's suggestion.

Thanks guys, I hope it will help me to fix it.I'll post some pictures of script in no time.

Hi, I tried to do what you mentioned with spectating and good thing is that it helped me with flying to sky, but
there's now a new problem (Look at attached thumbnails)

and here's the script of spawn:
public OnPlayerRequestClass(playerid, classid)
    if(IsPlayerNPC(playerid)) return 1;
    if( !zINFO[ playerid ][ logged ] )
		TogglePlayerSpectating( playerid, false );

		    Query[ 128 ];

		format( Query, 128, "SELECT id FROM `zaidejai` WHERE Name = '%s' LIMIT 1", GET_NAME( playerid ) );
		mysql_query( Query );
		mysql_store_result( );
        new idx = mysql_fetch_int();
		if( mysql_num_rows( ) == 1 )
			    zINFO[ playerid ][ id ] = idx;
		    	LOGIN_DIALOG( playerid );
		    REGISTER_DIALOG( playerid );

		mysql_free_result( );

		AC_SetPlayerPos(playerid, 1676.1924,1448.4390,10.7852);
		SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, 2274.3074,1562.6896,77.7907);
		InterpolateCameraPos(playerid, 2274.3074,1562.6896,77.7907, 1734.9033,1450.4108,14.2906, 30000, CAMERA_MOVE);
		ClearScreen( playerid );
		SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"{08DB07}« {FFFFFF}Sveiki prisijungж б {08DB07}Las-Vegasas.LT{FFFFFF} serveri!{08DB07} »");
        SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"{08DB07}« {FFFFFF}Бraрykite slaptaюodб kurб бraрлte registracijos metu, kad galлtumлme jus atpaюinti. {08DB07}»");
        SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"{08DB07}« {FF0000}PERKANT KREDITШ GAUNATE 40 PROC. DAUGIAU! {08DB07}»");

	if( zINFO[ playerid ][ logged ] )
	    SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{b9d770}[ KICK ]{FFFFFF} Jыs iрmestas uю F4 naudojimа!");

		Kick_( playerid );
	return 1;

You don't have any classes added @ OnGameModeInit, add one. (AddPlayerClass)

Oh....Thanks, I'll try to add.

Originally Posted by JaKe Elite
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You don't have any classes added @ OnGameModeInit, add one. (AddPlayerClass)
Thing is... How to add it? I'm new scripter so...

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