
After deciding that I'd go tinker around with SA-MP's ipl folder, I wanted to test to see if I could add in additional pedestrians, and it turns out that I can. However, I would like to explore more on this, in adding things like vehicles or audio zones or more...

Anyway, after adding my first additional ped, I went to the next ID and turned into CJ. Does that mean if I had an additional ped in a certain slot, players would see me as CJ and I'd see myself as the ped? Possibly..

Edit: So far, vehicles and weapons don't work. So that's a scratch off on the list for them.

Edit 2: Well IPL placements work on any server regarding objects too, meaning any mapping can be seen on any server. I'm on CrazyBobs by the way..


and how can you do that?
I want to know for stuffing my scrippt

Damn Yakards, nice find.

What's the point of this? :P

Nothing is a fixed "limit" but for consistency, it's regulated. If you used the mapping on another server, you'd likely be noticed for hacking...

Much like the map mod where the drift mountain is in, people think it's cool, until they get banned.

GamerX was also using this method as well, they just had a downloader to do it for everyone.

GTA:United added in a vehicle.

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