What phone should I buy?

Originally Posted by bgedition
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Cuz I am fan of Microsoft I suggest you to buy a Microsoft Lumia 950 XL.
woooh windows master race!

ot: op get a lumia or an s7. i've got a lumia 640 but not many people would like it. my s5 is also great but i dont use it that much because windows master race.

Well i like Android phones that are nearest stock ****** as possible like Nexus phones because i hate bloatware. And i'am a audiophile

If you want budget phone that are nearest stock, i recommend:
1. Moto G4 Plus (supports more ram than 5X, does have slightly better DAC than N6P. Do you not trust Lenovo, then do not buy this phone)
2. Nexus 5X (2GB ram in 2016??)
3. Nexus 6p (if on sale!, not recommended as music phone because little weak DAC)
4. OnePlus 3 (last and expensive)

Phone with most features:
1. Yup, Samsung S7 Edge (very powerful internal DAC)
2. Note 7
3. Sony Xperia Z5 (heats ut easily)
4. LG G5 (This is a cool modular phone there you can add extra battery or add a quality DAC inside for better music experience)

If you're not are a needy and nerdy technology guru, are tired of new features, does like oldschool/hipster things, does want phone that can't be modified without root/jailbreak, does not want to compare phones specs to see "what is better at cheaper price", checking only FB, Snap, Instagram, Vines, *******, love to make Samsung (why samsung?) VS Apple battles? Then follow the mainstream:
1. iPhone 7 (not released yet. No minijack, so need external lightning-DAC to your expensive headphones. Not a audioplile? Then bluetooth headphones will work)
2. iPhone 6s
3. ? buy a MAC

Last word: Buy what you want, there is plenty of good smartphones

iPhone is perfectly fun for a casual use, and from my experience I haven't seen one guy that was like "dang, I wished I could change this ugly HUD of IOS", these people actually work on their phones (Less lately than when Jobs was around) rather than slapping some of their tools together and releasing 180 phones per year (like Samsung and all of it's alphabet branches, throwing one out every year)
I do agree that Apple works to a degree to just hand you a box that works, this is a difference between basically building what you want from ground zero with android or just having someone else' vision already.

I don't hate Samsung and I don't love Apple tbh, I'm just stating the fact that we all know, Apple pushes a more polished and finished product to the market while Samsung is like "Lets give it a bit more ram or CPU, people know what to do with it while we don't, or someone sat on one side of the prototype, it's curvy now, lets make it a new phone and call it Edge"

Iphone 6 :P

Samsung is better imo.

Buy the most expensive one and then brag about the cost to your friends

You're gonna select iPhones?
I posted a thread about my iPhone before.
I was an iPhone user, but to be honest, I don't really like them (read the thread)

I bought an Asus Zenfone Laser, and pretty satisfied with it

whatever you do dont buy a windows phone

go for iphone 6

Originally Posted by Uberanwar
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You're gonna select iPhones?
I posted a thread about my iPhone before.
I was an iPhone user, but to be honest, I don't really like them (read the thread)

I bought an Asus Zenfone Laser, and pretty satisfied with it
wrong link.

Originally Posted by Sreyas
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wrong link.
Woops, thanks. Updated

Anyways it depends on your usage, in my personal opinion, I would prefer android phones, i'm kinda a tech user

Samsung probably.

Galaxy Note 7
Xperia Z3-Z4-Z5
Samsung Galaxy S7 (Edge or without)
Samsung Galaxy S6 (Edge or without)

You didn't add Nokia 7650


Lol so much bullshit going on here. Some of you does not even know what you are talking about. Android and it's viruses. You won't get any virus, unless you are dumb enough to install apks from unknow sources, like from popup advertisements, or your system is outdated (like using Jelly Bean).

****** releses a security patch for their devices every month, to fix the security isses with phones. If you get the right phone, your phone will be more secure then an iPhone for sure. So i'd suggest a Nexus device. It runs the stock android, with clear UI and always gets the latest updates and ofc the rom is stable always. You can't go wrong with it.

If you are low on budget, you can purchase a One Plus 3. I think it's the best phone out there for the price. It costs only $400, but you get a S6 performance or even better. They also include the ****** Security patches whenever they push a new update.

Originally Posted by kadaradam
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runs the stock android,

Originally Posted by kadaradam
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Lol so much bullshit going on here.
u said it urself

Choose whatever you want

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