22.08.2016, 10:56
Последний раз редактировалось alexkeward; 22.08.2016 в 12:13.
So im trying to get this wonderful filterscript to merge with my /phone cmd.
Phone CMD
Can someone help me please. <3
Probably would need more of the code but i dont know which parts to include it into.
// Simple Filterscript - ******* music // /dmusic = Edinson_Walker / EdinsonWalker. // /music = jhgr16 #include < a_samp > public OnFilterScriptInit() { print(" /phonemusic /music "); return 1; } public OnFilterScriptExit() { return 1; } public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]) { if (strcmp("/phonemusic", cmdtext, true) == 0) { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 2016, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "{D6E1EB}*******", "{FFFFFF}Insert the video/music title", "Accept", "Cancel"); return 1; } return 0; } public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[]) { if(dialogid == 2016) { if (!response) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xD6E1EBFF, "Dialog music canceled."); if(strlen(inputtext)) { new ola[255]; format(ola, sizeof(ola), "https://6t.pe/?song=%s", inputtext); PlayAudioStreamForPlayer(playerid, ola); } } return 0; }
CMD:phone(playerid, params[]) { if (!Inventory_HasItem(playerid, "Cellphone")) return SendErrorMessage(playerid, "You don't have a cellphone on you."); if (PlayerData[playerid][pHospital] != -1 || PlayerData[playerid][pCuffed] || PlayerData[playerid][pInjured] || !IsPlayerSpawned(playerid)) return SendErrorMessage(playerid, "You can't use this command now."); static str[32]; format(str, sizeof(str), "Phone (#%d)", PlayerData[playerid][pPhone]); if (PlayerData[playerid][pPhoneOff]) { Dialog_Show(playerid, MyPhone, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, str, "Dial Number\nMy Contacts\nSend Text Message\nTurn On Phone", "Select", "Cancel"); } else { Dialog_Show(playerid, MyPhone, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, str, "Dial Number\nMy Contacts\nSend Text Message\nTurn Off Phone", "Select", "Cancel"); } return 1; }
Probably would need more of the code but i dont know which parts to include it into.