Best helper?

Vince, especially for mysql related stuff.

Originally Posted by GhostHacker
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I'd find Sreyas and Vince useless bruh and i agree with Konstantinos.I didnt find Sreyas helping someone.
Oh really?? if you find them useless who helped you here
and whose tutorial you are now using to learn SQL?(
so as a result both Sreyas and Vince helped you and you are saying that both of them are useless?

A better question would be: 'most active helper'. In that case, Vince and Konstantinos are definitely on the top of the list. Not to forget: Stinged and Sreyas... I'm definitely forgetting names here, don't get offended.

Originally Posted by MrEdinLaw
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Oh really?? if you find them useless who helped you here
and whose tutorial you are now using to learn SQL?(
so as a result both Sreyas and Vince helped you and you are saying that both of them are useless?
ok im sorry i forgot about these

Vince all the way. He's been helping people ever since I got here, and is still doing so to this very day. Also, he is one of the few who shares my belief that helping does not mean fixing someone's errors and having them copy-paste it, but that helping means that you explain what they've done wrong so they can fix it themselves and actually learn something from it.

Originally Posted by ALiScripter
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Konstatinos = 24/7 helper (spam machine),
Infinity = (spam machine) 24/7 online,
Vince = 24/7 helper (especially MySQL),
Southclaw = various codes improvements/ testing,
AndySedyn = good in y_ini and tutorials,
SickAttack = often helping,
Sreyas = helping in minor codes or giving tips,
Stinged = helping in commands and systems,
AliScripter = helping as much as possible.
ShitAttack? helper? lol.

Originally Posted by SickAttack
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I used to help a lot, but I honestly don't see a point in it anymore. I would just help out those who stick around.
I know when there are people like M or L with bad and stupid attitude.

Originally Posted by ALiScripter
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I know when there are people like M or L with bad and stupid attitude.
You mean aka not or ?

Originally Posted by ALiScripter
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Konstatinos = 24/7 helper (spam machine),
Infinity = (spam machine) 24/7 online,
Vince = 24/7 helper (especially MySQL),
Southclaw = various codes improvements/ testing,
AndySedyn = good in y_ini and tutorials,
SickAttack = often helping,
Sreyas = helping in minor codes or giving tips,
Stinged = helping in commands and systems,
AliScripter = helping as much as possible.
Funny part here is you mentioning yourself, which I had no problem but "helping as much as possible" cracked me up!

Originally Posted by ALiScripter
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Konstatinos = 24/7 helper (spam machine),
Infinity = (spam machine) 24/7 online,
Vince = 24/7 helper (especially MySQL),
Southclaw = various codes improvements/ testing,
AndySedyn = good in y_ini and tutorials,
SickAttack = often helping,
Sreyas = helping in minor codes or giving tips,
Stinged = helping in commands and systems,
AliScripter = helping as much as possible.
Seriously?? Lol thats just kiddish to boasting man please grow up.
And about infinity i never seen him helping reather saying remove #pragama tabsize 0 or win executables are not allowed that guy seems to know nothing about scripting and always crictcise others

Originally Posted by Shinja
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You mean aka not or ?
I am just trying to point-out someone for their bad attitude, without pointing them out.

Keith and GhostHacker, relax, I said i am trying to do my best and as much as possible help.

Originally Posted by Parallex
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You expected your name here, didn't you.
I'm more of a judge now. So no.

Originally Posted by N3cromancer
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ShitAttack? helper? lol.
You don't even belong to this section. But I saw this coming, you couldn't take criticism on your programming site which had pawno instead of pawn in the domain. I hate it when people take criticism in a bad way.


All you guys that just came back or are new wouldn't know who truly helps, who used to and who doesn't. But like who cares, no-one's getting a medal.

Konstatinos and Vince are the "best helpers", no doubt. Topic has been answered after ~10 posts saying the same thing.

Originally Posted by ALiScripter
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Konstatinos = 24/7 helper (spam machine),
Infinity = (spam machine) 24/7 online,
Vince = 24/7 helper (especially MySQL),
Southclaw = various codes improvements/ testing,
AndySedyn = good in y_ini and tutorials,
SickAttack = often helping,
Sreyas = helping in minor codes or giving tips,
Stinged = helping in commands and systems,
AliScripter = helping as much as possible.
Surprised me that Sew_Sumi isnt on that list

Originally Posted by ALiScripter
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Konstatinos = 24/7 helper (spam machine),
Infinity = (spam machine) 24/7 online,
Vince = 24/7 helper (especially MySQL),
Southclaw = various codes improvements/ testing,
AndySedyn = good in y_ini and tutorials,
SickAttack = often helping,
Sreyas = helping in minor codes or giving tips,
Stinged = helping in commands and systems,
AliScripter = helping as much as possible.
I'm quite surprised I'm on here. I wouldn't really call what I do 'helping'. I give a fair amount of criticism on released scripts, to either help them improve or in hope that they disappear. I may end up helping more with scripting related questions in the future, if I can find the time and energy to do so. But yeah, I check frequently and one could say I 'spam'. :P

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