Random explosions can be heard constantly?

Since few days now, everyone in my server keeps hearing explosion sounds all around LS, there are no actual cars exploding, it happens every few seconds wherever you are.

Anyone had that issue? How it can be fixed?


No explosions can be heard/seen out of Los Santos.
It's not the cars exploding, cause I tried removing ALL vehicles and it still happens.
Explosions can be heard/seen only while you're in a vehicle.
There are NO 'CreateExplosion' or 'CreateExplosionForPlayer' in my script.
It's not a 'PlayPlayerSound', because I see an actual explosion + explosion sound.

EDIT #2:

The issue was solved, pickups and 3DTexts were causing it.
If you set the draw distance of a pickup and a 3DText which are on the same position, the pickup will explode whenever you pass near it with a vehicle.

Interesting,did you added something new these days? A sound plugin or something like this?

I'm making updates daily, but no, nothing related to sounds neither any plugins.

Well not the car exploding for me but am hearing like a factory sound in ls

Try searching for "PlayerPlaySound" with sound id 1159 in your script.

Originally Posted by [cS]Owain
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Try searching for "PlayerPlaySound" with sound id 1159 in your script.
No it's not that, I actually saw few of the explosions (making the ground black), but no glitched vehicles causing the explosions can be seen thru /dl...

I think i saw this issue in many servers, I'm not sure but i guess it's a samp bug

Not a SA-MP bug but a vehicle spawning error.

Originally Posted by ALiScripter
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Not a SA-MP bug but a vehicle spawning error.
Obviously it is, the thing is before few days the explosion could only be heard at Willowfield, now its all around LS, what's causing that and how it can be fixed?

Its caused because of the vehicle being spawned with wrong function and whenever the vehicle streams the noises of explosions and explosions will occur. I had this problem when i was trying to fix my vehicle spawning

When I heard random explosions, the first thing I got on my mind was vehicles. Yes, vehicles as that's the only medium which explodes in GTA San Andreas (other than bombs / weapons and stuff, which has to be done by a player manually). Therefore, as ALiScripter has said before, the vehicles are somehow getting glitched or something and I've seen this multiple times in other servers too where the vehicles get a spawn error and spawn above each other.

Originally Posted by Parallex
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When I heard random explosions, the first thing I got on my mind was vehicles. Yes, vehicles as that's the only medium which explodes in GTA San Andreas (other than bombs / weapons and stuff, which has to be done by a player manually). Therefore, as ALiScripter has said before, the vehicles are somehow getting glitched or something and I've seen this multiple times in other servers too where the vehicles get a spawn error and spawn above each other.
Alright, I even airbreaked under the map, no glitched vehicles can be seen, only explosions.
The other odd thing is I hear those explosions only when Im in a vehicle, if im on foot I don't hear anything.

EDIT: I removed ALL vehicles for a test, nothing changes and explosions still appear/can be heard.

What changes you remember doing in server when this started happening?

Are you using any new FS?

Originally Posted by [cS]Owain
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What changes you remember doing in server when this started happening?

Are you using any new FS?
I'm not using any Filterscripts and yes, I made updates lately ofcourse, but it has nothing to do with explosions and/or the sounds themselves.


No explosions can be heard/seen out of Los Santos.
It's not the cars exploding, cause I tried removing ALL vehicles and it still happens.
Explosions can be heard/seen only while you're in a vehicle.
There are NO 'CreateExplosion' or 'CreateExplosionForPlayer' in my script.
It's not a 'PlayPlayerSound', because I see an actual explosion + explosion sound.

EDIT #2: The issue was solved, check solution at the first post.

Originally Posted by 1nspire
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I'm not using any Filterscripts and yes, I made updates lately ofcourse, but it has nothing to do with explosions and/or the sounds themselves.


No explosions can be heard/seen out of Los Santos.
It's not the cars exploding, cause I tried removing ALL vehicles and it still happens.
Explosions can be heard/seen only while you're in a vehicle.
There are NO 'CreateExplosion' or 'CreateExplosionForPlayer' in my script.
It's not a 'PlayPlayerSound', because I see an actual explosion + explosion sound.

EDIT #2: The issue was solved, check solution at the first post.
All right, good job figuring it out.

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