05.08.2016, 16:13
My server were crashing and auto turned-off. I don't know what is the reason.
This is the command that I used.
This is the command that I used.
pawn Код:
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][ranklvl] > 0) return SendClientError(playerid, CANT_USE_CMD);
new wh = IsAtOwnWareHouse(playerid);
if(IsPlayerInSphere(playerid, WareHouse[t][WareHouse_x], WareHouse[t][WareHouse_y], WareHouse[t][WareHouse_z], 5))
if(wh < 1) return SendClientError(playerid, "You are not outside your own faction warehouse");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 60, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, ":: Faction Warehouse upgrade ::", "{ffffff}Level 1 ({ff0000}FREE{ffffff})\nLevel 2 ({ff0000}$1,000,000{ffffff})\nLevel 3 ({ff0000}$3,000,000{ffffff})\nLevel 4 ({ff0000}$10,000,000{ffffff})\nLevel 5 ({ff0000}$25,000,000{ffffff})\nLevel 6 ({ff0000}$40,000,000{ffffff})", "Select", "Exit");
return 1;