Please be polite

I just wanted to make this post to help other server owners, and players to have nice servers.
SO I know people will tell me to 'go fuck myself' and to 'Man up' and to 'assume my responsabilities of server owners'.
But the reason I will make this post anyway, is because I fell like YOU unpolite players will LOOSE some server.
I've just been told to 'go fuck my mother' for no reason and I've had enough.
First thing I want to address is, stop wasting my time. What I mean is, why do 1/3 players come to my server and wants me to TP to them absolutely because they wanna talk (even tho we are already talking in the general chat), They will 'request' to be admin and/or faction leaders, but not just like that, after wasting my time talking to me and telling my he likes this server for 5 minutes (I always know where this is going but I have to keep listening in case he is not bluffing which happens 1/16 of the time).
My problem here, is when somone nice wants to talk to me and I want to tell them to 'fuck off' because the 64 person before just called me a cuck suckin idiot with bad server, just because I didn't wanted to make them admin.

Guys, I am not complaining, but I needed to put my frustration somewhere.
I want to say that there is a large number of incredible programmers out there, that could do 1000x better scripts than me (even if I think my server is clever), but those programmer wont stand there for months paying hosting fees to be called names by VERY ungrateful players.

I have 1 main question: Where do all the kids asking to be admin come from. I am asking, because they seem to be coming from the same exact places because they have the same tactics.

I dont mind being called names and don't mind you attacking my server, I don't mind 12 years old kid with no coding skills telling me 'my server sucks' and that 'I should use NGRP's script because everybody likes it' even if they didn't even got in a car yet.
The problem (for you) is that not everybody wont mind, and I am VERY patient, I have worked with kids and I know how to keep calm and know when kids are just being means. But this is EXHAUSTING, my energy is low, I don't want to connect to my own server because everybody harasses me on it for faction leader etc. I should not answer general chat but I like my good players.

Bottom line is, I have seen bad kids, but you guys (players) will loose some passionate server owners because EVEN ME who is almost un-anoyable is very annoyed by your attitude, you seem to think you paid to play and have the RIGHT to fun.

I have 1 main question: Where do all the kids asking to be admin come from. I am asking, because they seem to be coming from the same exact places because they have the same tactics.
Bottom line is, I have seen bad kids, but you guys (players) will loose some passionate server owners because EVEN ME who is almost un-anoyable is very annoyed by your attitude, you seem to think you paid to play and have the RIGHT to fun.

P.S. I want to add, there is A LOT of excellent players, that have cracked into my server's easter eggs and stuff, discovered treasures and I stay there for them, there is good players and I love you guys and I will pay and I continue hosting for the good players, I'm just talking about 1/3 of the players (which is still enormous and exhausting)

P.P.S Some of you deserves a good punch in the face, I have been a bad person but never I insulted strangers that way for fun, you kids are 'fucked-up' you will get killed the first time you will try that attitude outside your house.

P.P.P.S I am answering already some people in advance: If you don't pay +/- 100$/months to host (Yes it cost that to be minimally professional) then don't tell me you hosted a server

edit: added a TLDR
edit: Its alright guys, I was just wasting too much energy on trying to stay professional, now I know that normally people kick/ban them and I wont feel bad to warn them. Thank you samp community. I will still answer anyway.


I guess this is the case in Roleplay, but all servers have the global chat disabled (so I've never seen this). On other modes, players and even admins + the owner will just tell you to fuck off, and that's a bit rude of them imo. Or they would even ban you.

But have you ever heard of being able to mute players, kick or give them warnings? Or even know when to say no. That's the least they deserve, not a ban. You should also state that it's against the rules and tell them that if they continue with it, a temp ban will be held on them (no other choice).

Simple, no need to make a big deal out of it. Enforce proper administration. Don't ever accept players that just play because they have admin status, no fun in that and just leads to trouble. You'll be fine.

Suggestion: Create a command explaining how to become an admin/faction leader and refer them to the command.

Originally Posted by TopShooter
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Well, happens to me too, when I opened a roleplay server, when a player joins he should report for the owner and then say "Nice server, are you hiring faction leaders/admins?" If I said no, he'll be like "fuck this server then, bye"

Believe me, that happens to everybody on the newly opened servers nor the servers with a low playerbase, that's why I didn't fund my server until it closed down because I found out that it's waste of time, but i'm planning to script a fallout script from scratch, maybe it might work and bring a lot of players.
Thank you

Originally Posted by Luis-
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I added a TLDR in my original post

Originally Posted by SickAttack
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I guess this is the case in Roleplay, but all servers have the global chat disabled (so I've never seen this). On other modes, players and even admins + the owner will just tell you to fuck off, and that's a bit rude of them imo. Or they would even ban you.

But have you ever heard of being able to mute players, kick or give them warnings? Or even know when to say no. That's the least they deserve, not a ban. You should also state that it's against the rules and tell them that if they continue with it, a temp ban will be held on them (no other choice).

Simple, no need to make a big deal out of it. Enforce proper administration. Don't ever accept players that just play because they have admin status, no fun in that and just leads to trouble. You'll be fine.

Suggestion: Create a command explaining how to become an admin/faction leader and refer them to the command.
Thank you, It makes me feel good, as I thought I am more patient than many others.
Yes I can do all you say like mute and ban and etc.
Actually I have disabled the word 'admin' in the general chat and other words like @dmin etc.
The problem with kicking and muting, is that they are annoying in a sense that they just try to talk to you, they ask to tp to them, they say they wanna talk, it is never really clear and I will end up being rude to normal players. One players even once asked me politely how to be come admin or if it was possible just by curiosity and then just played on my server regularly when I explained and that was fine, so I can't be rude, THAT is what is exhausting. By the way when someone ask I tell them they need to be 18yo+, 6month+ of play and score 100+ to apply for admins. So some players tells me that I am crazy and wants me to explain to them why I am being so mean with them and why I don't like them, others just understand. My General chat deactivate itself when 15 players or more a logged in, which is not really the case often because its rather new.

I am happy to know that other server owners just tell them to fuck off and ban them. It will release me and allow me to be a little more rude to those who just plainly just want to be admin and don't care about my server.

Thank you.

Not quite depends on how well train is your staff,Once a guy came innto my server & said this server is fun,i wanna be a admin,& i was in a car with one of my admins & as soon as he said it my staff warned him for asking,for admin stat & he stopped

Not everyone that ask for admin stat is bad trust me,Some just wanna prove what they can do.. I took someone on my team that asked for admin stat & up to this day he never disappoint me,So i guess its your feeling towards that person

Originally Posted by SickAttack
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I guess it comes in their blood, they think being an admin is some miracle bean that shoots out ice cream (all you can eat - anything you want to do, can be done. But that's an X [sound effect: eeeeerh]). As far as I've seen, these type of players are from Pakistan, India, Egypt, etc. Not that many do this and are from the US. But some do it to troll, too.

I don't exactly know how they lure you to give them admin status, but I just play along when someone says "Hello, I want to be your friend." because their intentions are obvious since people don't usually do that to normal players. You would most likely get an insult then lol, even if you're kind at first.

Try to make the situation positive and play around with them, they deserve it.

Source: Experience
I haven't thought about trolls tho, also I had the impression that they were little 10yo from US.
They Lure me into taking some time to listen to their story, and stop my work (I usually code on the side while doing admin).

Yes I will try to troll them more, maybe a fake html form that start with 3 field but then add more field with ajax each time he tries to send the admin application (nah thatd be too mean).

Originally Posted by blinkpnk
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I haven't thought about trolls tho, also I had the impression that they were little 10yo from US.
They Lure me into taking some time to listen to their story, and stop my work (I usually code on the side while doing admin).

Yes I will try to troll them more, maybe a fake html form that start with 3 field but then add more field with ajax each time he tries to send the admin application (nah thatd be too mean).
That would be hilarious.

You don't really need to talk to them, just answer their questions and so on. What I meant was to play along sometimes (pretty fun, especial with a group of 2 or more), ignore them some other times.

They are either trolls or 10 y/o kids. Yes, they come from specific places and I openly admit that the biggest of them is India because mentality of kids here is really really stupid at least from what I've seen. Pakistan is also the same because it's just another India but smaller, people have same thinkings there too, that's why Pakis and Indians have quite a lot similarities too because at the end of the day Pakistan came out from India only. These two countries because of the bad education, lack of practical knowledge creates kids like that (not every kid, but some and 'some' in a big country like India is way too much).

I've ran some communities but they were never successful, but I've been admin in some very serious communities and I've noticed a lot of people like you stated, yes they exists and they exists in a very large scale of number everywhere in the Internet.. Stopping them is near to impossible because they are just growing and growing. Only thing which is possible is to ignore such stupid morons. I even think that it is parent's fault because they give computers 'with Internet' to kids in such a small age (no offense, not every kid is stupid, some kids are very intelligent at a very small age but I said 'only some') and because of that they fucking lurk around the whole Internet.

They are just stupid assholes saying "I'm best admin,I'm scriptoor I know every admin command so make me admin I'll make this communitiessss success sir plsss.. Plssss. I promise....." and they just say things and don't do anything so the best simple way is to ignore them, create some quiz type thing to enter the server so that you can prevent stupid people from entering but only if you want mature players and if you want players then you've to let these stupid kids come to increase your player count because they are in a very large amount. Just let them join and ignore them, identifying them is fucking easy

tl;dr, learn to summarize the things first.

Originally Posted by Mark™
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tl;dr, learn to summarize the things first.
There is a TLDR in my post isnt it?

Originally Posted by Kapersky™
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They are just stupid assholes saying "I'm best admin,I'm scriptor I know every admin command so make me admin I'll make this communitiessss success sir plsss.. Plssss. I promise....." and they just say things and don't do anything so the best simple way is to ignore them, create some quiz type thing to enter the server so that you can prevent stupid people from entering but only if you want mature players and if you want players then you've to let these stupid kids come to increase your player count because they are in a very large amount. Just let them join and ignore them, identifying them is fucking easy
Dude you basically explained it better than me, your quote is EXACTLY their arguments lol haha, you know what you are talking about.

Yes I would like to ignore them, but if only they could tell me at first that. they ask me to tp to them etc they tell me they wanna talk to me, that's how I identify them. But not all player that ask to be talk to is a admin-seeking-troll.

But you got the imitation PERFECT my man

Originally Posted by blinkpnk
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Dude you basically explained it better than me, your quote is EXACTLY their arguments lol haha, you know what you are talking about.

Yes I would like to ignore them, but if only they could tell me at first that. they ask me to tp to them etc they tell me they wanna talk to me, that's how I identify them. But not all player that ask to be talk to is a admin-seeking-troll.

But you got the imitation PERFECT my man
I personally prefer talking with people on forums, ask them to send pm to you on the forums so that at least you would know that you've to ignore this person or not. If anybody wants to talk to you, tell them to send you a pm on forums because you can explain it way better on forums, that's why forums are made -- to connect people.

I've seen those 'please-tp-me' guys but all I used to tell them was, "sorry and please send me a pm on forums. ".

Originally Posted by blinkpnk
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I tell them they need to be 18yo+, 6month+ of play and score 100+ to apply for admins.
Here's a hint for you: don't let players apply for a staff position. Hand pick all staff. Also make this very clear and state that asking for a position reduces the chances of getting one. It may take a while to assemble a small team in this manner but at least you'll have a team of people that you know and trust. Amount of skill or number of hours played is irrelevant.

Originally Posted by SickAttack
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I guess it comes in their blood, they think being an admin is some miracle bean that shoots out ice cream (all you can eat - anything you want to do, can be done. But that's an X [sound effect: eeeeerh]). As far as I've seen, these type of players are from Pakistan, India, Egypt, etc. Not that many do this and are from the US. But some do it to troll, too.

I don't exactly know how they lure you to give them admin status, but I just play along when someone says "Hello, I want to be your friend." because their intentions are obvious since people don't usually do that to normal players. You would most likely get an insult then lol, even if you're kind at first.

Try to make the situation positive and play around with them, they deserve it.

Source: Experience
I'm an Egyptian, I don't join random servers and ask for staff position. Really, if someone is bad that doesn't mean the whole nation is bad.

Originally Posted by PawnHunter
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I'm an Egyptian, I don't join random servers and ask for staff position. Really, if someone is bad that doesn't mean the whole nation is bad.
It's a number based off the majority of players that do this, doesn't mean everyone does.

Originally Posted by Kapersky™
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I personally prefer talking with people on forums, ask them to send pm to you on the forums so that at least you would know that you've to ignore this person or not. If anybody wants to talk to you, tell them to send you a pm on forums because you can explain it way better on forums, that's why forums are made -- to connect people.

I've seen those 'please-tp-me' guys but all I used to tell them was, "sorry and please send me a pm on forums. ".
I don't have a forum because I want everything to be done Ingame, we have papers and letters and stuff. But I do a similar stuff, when they tell me they have a proposition or wanna talk tot he owner I tell them to email rt-2(at)

Originally Posted by Vince
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Here's a hint for you: don't let players apply for a staff position. Hand pick all staff. Also make this very clear and state that asking for a position reduces the chances of getting one. It may take a while to assemble a small team in this manner but at least you'll have a team of people that you know and trust. Amount of skill or number of hours played is irrelevant.
It is what is done right now (hand-picked), I am also trying to script automation instead of sitting admins to kick for car-surfing or other minor stuff, so less admin needed but still needed. I think that the hour played is relevant, unless your server has the SAME rules and SAME script than any other.

Originally Posted by PawnHunter
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I'm an Egyptian, I don't join random servers and ask for staff position. Really, if someone is bad that doesn't mean the whole nation is bad.
Like I said, I continue to host because there is a lot of fantastic players, one of my best player is from India in fact.

Just say that you are not hiring staff and you are not in need of faction leaders, if that is the case. You don't need to be afraid of what they think about what is the actual truth here. Or perhaps explain to them how they can join the staff team. I usually answer to people by telling them that applications for a position in the staff team will be open soon, but that admin positions are in no way given to new people, as it's a position that is also based on a very important factor: trust. And you can't trust who you don't know well enough/a single bit.
The purpose for you to run a server is just that, to provide a place where people can join, play and have a nice time. If they come there to waste your time with useless talk, or requests that in the end are more like demands, then you need to be very clear, without being afraid of being rude. Keep in mind, as you said, most of the times people waste your time on purpose, not because those are genuine questions. Some sad individuals get off with that stuff, it fills their empty days somehow.
People forget that to keep a server running requires some work and some time. If they report for admin assistance just to get you there, and then chat about irrelevant stuff, then it's wasting your time. Simple as that.
I've had this too, and it turned out to be people using VPN connections, so it means they were probably people who have been banned or people who want to keep their identity secret, just to have a laugh while they come online to troll. This is a very easy thing to tackle. Don't let it get to you, you're the one in control of your own community, no one else.

As for those who are ungrateful, disrespectful and general jack asses to you, why do you even allow them to come on your server and behave like that? If someone who's on your server and gives you some sort of feedback, but in a polite manner, that would be more than alright. Whether he's bringing up negative aspects of the server or not, he's still being polite. But if someone who goes on about it in a negative way, being a jack ass and throwing some insults in your way, why do they need to be in your community then and create a toxic environment for you and everybody else? Because just like they will give you an attitude, they'll give it to everybody else as well, and that leads to drama, arguments over the forum and petty reports against each other for you to handle = more work for you, when you could be spending the time you need to deal with that report by doing something more important (improving your server & community). I wouldn't want to be part of a community with individuals like that to be honest, I want to be somewhere I can enjoy my time, with friendly people perhaps, but I certainly don't need to surround myself with toxic people.
So the answer to all of this is really simple: You're in charge, don't let them waste your time, don't let them give you shit for no reason and more importantly, make them respect your efforts put into the construction of your server, in order to also keep a friendly environment for everyone else, especially newcomers.

Don't give up and good luck from here on

The administration on most of the servers i have played is just ridiculous.

A good example i saw on global warfare, they like to warn players for no reason, when someone writes: "oooohhhh".
You are most likely to get a warning of flood, and yet they don't understand what flood is.

So yeah, in game skills or time played is irrelevant, just make sure the person has good communication, is not an Ignorant, don't just spawns a /car and roams around but figure out ways to stop hackers.

Originally Posted by Serghate
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The purpose for you to run a server is just that, to provide a place where people can join, play and have a nice time. If they come there to waste your time with useless talk, or requests that in the end are more like demands, then you need to be very clear, without being afraid of being rude. Keep in mind, as you said, most of the times people waste your time on purpose, not because those are genuine questions. Some sad individuals get off with that stuff, it fills their empty days somehow.
Thank you for the advice

Originally Posted by Serghate
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As for those who are ungrateful, disrespectful and general jack asses to you, why do you even allow them to come on your server and behave like that?
I sure don't, one of my few rules is "No OOC Insulting", they just come and go, they usually /q just right after throwing oen of the worst insult and never come back. That is not a problem they are kicked/banned if they are geniunly a jackass ooc

Originally Posted by Serghate
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If someone who's on your server and gives you some sort of feedback, but in a polite manner, that would be more than alright. Whether he's bringing up negative aspects of the server or not, he's still being polite.
I actually have a "Feedback" section in my /report, I am veyr open to criticism and I actually improved my server with a lot of them.

Originally Posted by Serghate
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But if someone who goes on about it in a negative way, being a jack ass and throwing some insults in your way, why do they need to be in your community then and create a toxic environment for you and everybody else? Because just like they will give you an attitude, they'll give it to everybody else as well, and that leads to drama, arguments over the forum and petty reports against each other for you to handle = more work for you, when you could be spending the time you need to deal with that report by doing something more important (improving your server & community). I wouldn't want to be part of a community with individuals like that to be honest, I want to be somewhere I can enjoy my time, with friendly people perhaps, but I certainly don't need to surround myself with toxic people.
The people that are time consuming are the one that tells me "tp to me", and stuff like that, that start talking nicely but ends up leaving insulting you when you dont give admin right. Its not just this one, its the fact that there is a large number and they all have the same tactic and story. As I said:
Originally Posted by blinkpnk
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Question to all, this is not really a joke, is there a web site tat tell kids tips and tricks on how to lure server owners into giving you admin rights, because it feels like there is 1 or 2. They all have the same ways, it's weird also.
Originally Posted by Serghate
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So the answer to all of this is really simple: You're in charge, don't let them waste your time, don't let them give you shit for no reason and more importantly, make them respect your efforts put into the construction of your server, in order to also keep a friendly environment for everyone else, especially newcomers.

Don't give up and good luck from here on
Thank you, I will.

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