04.08.2016, 22:42
Последний раз редактировалось rt-2; 05.08.2016 в 01:14.
I just wanted to make this post to help other server owners, and players to have nice servers.
SO I know people will tell me to 'go fuck myself' and to 'Man up' and to 'assume my responsabilities of server owners'.
But the reason I will make this post anyway, is because I fell like YOU unpolite players will LOOSE some server.
I've just been told to 'go fuck my mother' for no reason and I've had enough.
First thing I want to address is, stop wasting my time. What I mean is, why do 1/3 players come to my server and wants me to TP to them absolutely because they wanna talk (even tho we are already talking in the general chat), They will 'request' to be admin and/or faction leaders, but not just like that, after wasting my time talking to me and telling my he likes this server for 5 minutes (I always know where this is going but I have to keep listening in case he is not bluffing which happens 1/16 of the time).
My problem here, is when somone nice wants to talk to me and I want to tell them to 'fuck off' because the 64 person before just called me a cuck suckin idiot with bad server, just because I didn't wanted to make them admin.
Guys, I am not complaining, but I needed to put my frustration somewhere.
I want to say that there is a large number of incredible programmers out there, that could do 1000x better scripts than me (even if I think my server is clever), but those programmer wont stand there for months paying hosting fees to be called names by VERY ungrateful players.
I have 1 main question: Where do all the kids asking to be admin come from. I am asking, because they seem to be coming from the same exact places because they have the same tactics.
I dont mind being called names and don't mind you attacking my server, I don't mind 12 years old kid with no coding skills telling me 'my server sucks' and that 'I should use NGRP's script because everybody likes it' even if they didn't even got in a car yet.
The problem (for you) is that not everybody wont mind, and I am VERY patient, I have worked with kids and I know how to keep calm and know when kids are just being means. But this is EXHAUSTING, my energy is low, I don't want to connect to my own server because everybody harasses me on it for faction leader etc. I should not answer general chat but I like my good players.
Bottom line is, I have seen bad kids, but you guys (players) will loose some passionate server owners because EVEN ME who is almost un-anoyable is very annoyed by your attitude, you seem to think you paid to play and have the RIGHT to fun.
I have 1 main question: Where do all the kids asking to be admin come from. I am asking, because they seem to be coming from the same exact places because they have the same tactics.
Bottom line is, I have seen bad kids, but you guys (players) will loose some passionate server owners because EVEN ME who is almost un-anoyable is very annoyed by your attitude, you seem to think you paid to play and have the RIGHT to fun.
P.S. I want to add, there is A LOT of excellent players, that have cracked into my server's easter eggs and stuff, discovered treasures and I stay there for them, there is good players and I love you guys and I will pay and I continue hosting for the good players, I'm just talking about 1/3 of the players (which is still enormous and exhausting)
P.P.S Some of you deserves a good punch in the face, I have been a bad person but never I insulted strangers that way for fun, you kids are 'fucked-up' you will get killed the first time you will try that attitude outside your house.
P.P.P.S I am answering already some people in advance: If you don't pay +/- 100$/months to host (Yes it cost that to be minimally professional) then don't tell me you hosted a server
edit: added a TLDR
edit: Its alright guys, I was just wasting too much energy on trying to stay professional, now I know that normally people kick/ban them and I wont feel bad to warn them. Thank you samp community. I will still answer anyway.
I just wanted to make this post to help other server owners, and players to have nice servers.
SO I know people will tell me to 'go fuck myself' and to 'Man up' and to 'assume my responsabilities of server owners'.
But the reason I will make this post anyway, is because I fell like YOU unpolite players will LOOSE some server.
I've just been told to 'go fuck my mother' for no reason and I've had enough.
First thing I want to address is, stop wasting my time. What I mean is, why do 1/3 players come to my server and wants me to TP to them absolutely because they wanna talk (even tho we are already talking in the general chat), They will 'request' to be admin and/or faction leaders, but not just like that, after wasting my time talking to me and telling my he likes this server for 5 minutes (I always know where this is going but I have to keep listening in case he is not bluffing which happens 1/16 of the time).
My problem here, is when somone nice wants to talk to me and I want to tell them to 'fuck off' because the 64 person before just called me a cuck suckin idiot with bad server, just because I didn't wanted to make them admin.
Guys, I am not complaining, but I needed to put my frustration somewhere.
I want to say that there is a large number of incredible programmers out there, that could do 1000x better scripts than me (even if I think my server is clever), but those programmer wont stand there for months paying hosting fees to be called names by VERY ungrateful players.
I have 1 main question: Where do all the kids asking to be admin come from. I am asking, because they seem to be coming from the same exact places because they have the same tactics.
I dont mind being called names and don't mind you attacking my server, I don't mind 12 years old kid with no coding skills telling me 'my server sucks' and that 'I should use NGRP's script because everybody likes it' even if they didn't even got in a car yet.
The problem (for you) is that not everybody wont mind, and I am VERY patient, I have worked with kids and I know how to keep calm and know when kids are just being means. But this is EXHAUSTING, my energy is low, I don't want to connect to my own server because everybody harasses me on it for faction leader etc. I should not answer general chat but I like my good players.
Bottom line is, I have seen bad kids, but you guys (players) will loose some passionate server owners because EVEN ME who is almost un-anoyable is very annoyed by your attitude, you seem to think you paid to play and have the RIGHT to fun.
I have 1 main question: Where do all the kids asking to be admin come from. I am asking, because they seem to be coming from the same exact places because they have the same tactics.
Bottom line is, I have seen bad kids, but you guys (players) will loose some passionate server owners because EVEN ME who is almost un-anoyable is very annoyed by your attitude, you seem to think you paid to play and have the RIGHT to fun.
P.S. I want to add, there is A LOT of excellent players, that have cracked into my server's easter eggs and stuff, discovered treasures and I stay there for them, there is good players and I love you guys and I will pay and I continue hosting for the good players, I'm just talking about 1/3 of the players (which is still enormous and exhausting)
P.P.S Some of you deserves a good punch in the face, I have been a bad person but never I insulted strangers that way for fun, you kids are 'fucked-up' you will get killed the first time you will try that attitude outside your house.
P.P.P.S I am answering already some people in advance: If you don't pay +/- 100$/months to host (Yes it cost that to be minimally professional) then don't tell me you hosted a server
edit: added a TLDR
edit: Its alright guys, I was just wasting too much energy on trying to stay professional, now I know that normally people kick/ban them and I wont feel bad to warn them. Thank you samp community. I will still answer anyway.