28.07.2016, 21:00
Finally I got my house system saving working properly. But the only problem is the 3DLabelText is not updating when I input a text. I had to restart the gamemode everytime in order to load the new updated text label.
What should be the correct format?
i'm using this one however it is not working
What should be the correct format?
i'm using this one however it is not working
format("h_name", sizeof( gsString ), "%s", inputtext);
PHP код:
new housenumber = GetHouseID( playerid );
if ( strcmp( GetGVarStringEx( "h_Owner", housenumber ), PlayerName( playerid ), false ) )
return SendClientMessage( playerid, -1,""SV_RD"» {c8c8c8}This house isn't yours!" );
format( gsQuery, sizeof gsQuery, "UPDATE `houses` SET `HName` = '%s' WHERE `HouseID` = '%d'", inputtext, housenumber );
mysql_query( gsQuery, THREAD_NONE, playerid );
format("h_name", sizeof( gsString ), "%s", inputtext); <---- this line
format( gsString, sizeof( gsString ), ""W"Press "ORANGE_"H "W"key to Enter the House\n"SV_BL"House Name: "W"%s\n"SV_BL"House Owner: "W"%s\n "SV_BL"House Value: "W"%d$\n "SV_BL"House Privacy: "RED_"Closed\n"SV_BL"House ID: "ORANGE_"%d",GetGVarStringEx( "h_name", housenumber ), PlayerName(playerid), GetGVarInt( "h_Cost", housenumber),housenumber);
UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText( Text3D:GetGVarInt( "House3DText", housenumber ), 0xFF9900FF, gsString );