Countdown for specific player while some condition is ture

I making a robbery game.
Showcountdown until a condition is ture. If condition go false hide countdown and reset it.

Just take your countdown timer and add that condition ? shouldn't be to difficult

Something like that I guess should work
PHP код:
if(condition is not truecountdown START_VALUE
Show us what you did so far

Originally Posted by Nero_3D
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Just take your countdown timer and add that condition ? shouldn't be to difficult

Something like that I guess should work
PHP код:
if(condition is not truecountdown START_VALUE
Show us what you did so far
if (Capturing[playerid] == true)
//Show counter with textdraw
if (Capturing[playerid] == false)
//hide textdraw && counter = STARTVALUE

please help

Where do you have that code is that in a timer?
PHP код:
if(Capturing[playerid] == true)
// Show counter with textdraw
// counter--;
// update textdraw
// if(counter == 0) // do something
// hide textdraw
// counter = STARTVALUE

If this isn't in a timer how does Capturing[playerid] gets updated ?

I am not sure how to help you, you already got most parts of the code

Originally Posted by Nero_3D
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Where do you have that code is that in a timer?
PHP код:
if(Capturing[playerid] == true)
// Show counter with textdraw
// counter--;
// update textdraw
// if(counter == 0) // do something
// hide textdraw
// counter = STARTVALUE

If this isn't in a timer how does Capturing[playerid] gets updated ?

I am not sure how to help you, you already got most parts of the code
Bro just tell me a example how to set a Float to textdraw.

A float to a textdraw?
PHP код:
new string[32];
format(stringsizeof string"%f"5.5);

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