Top players(MySQL)

I know that this code gets the top 10 players,But how shall I put them in a message dialog?

PHP код:

pawn Код:
stock LoadTop10()
    new Query[128];
    mysql_format(mysql, Query, sizeof(Query), "SELECT * FROM `players` ORDER BY `score` DESC LIMIT 10 "); //not tested, might need to fix the query
    mysql_function_query(mysql, Query, false, "LoadScores", "", ""); //init the load scores function with no cache
    return 1; // returning the function true

public LoadScores()
    new rows, fields;
    cache_get_data(rows, fields, mysql); //returning all 10 players & all their rows/fields
    if(rows)//if there are rows to be retrived continue
        for(new i = 0; i < rows; i++) //loop through all the found rows and pull the following
            new dest[24], score;
            cache_get_row(i, "pName", dest); //get all the player names pulled from the query
            score = cache_get_row_int(i, "score"); //pull all the scores from the rows retrived
            printf("top 10 players are %s wtih scores of %d", dest, scores); //print the result when ever LoadScores is called.
            printf("There are no players saved with score.."); //if there were no rows found in the query called in LoadTop10
            //escape ect..
    return 1;
Not tested or anything but you should get the basic idea.
(also idk why the formatting fucked up but w/e.

Something important to remember is that all you want to select is the player's name and the score so you don't need all (*) the data in the query.

Another thing is to avoid declaring variables inside loops.

Originally Posted by Konstantinos
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Something important to remember is that all you want to select is the player's name and the score so you don't need all (*) the data in the query.

Another thing is to avoid declaring variables inside loops.
Tell me the idea of doing it,cause the only thing I know is that

PHP код:

Replacing * with the column(s) you want to select. An example (change "Username" to the name you have in your table):
pawn Код:
"SELECT Username,Score FROM users ORDER BY Score DESC LIMIT 10"
Read those for more:

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