Why is this a thing?

In the last 3 or 4 years of SA-MP I've always noticed numerous of players putting the "Z" word at the end and frankly it didn't interest me until now.Is this a thing or something?I mean why the letter "Z".
Looks like more and more players put that letter at the end of there SA-MP username.When I thought things couldn't get worse, they do.Those so called "Z" players start even talking like that, putting the word "z" at the end of the word lol..So I am quite curious to why is that a thing?And even is that "Z" pronounced as Zee or Zh.I'm betting a 100% that a player that has that username wont even know why he put it as that, his or her answer would probably be I saw someone else using it.
So the clue remains to be unsolved, I don't even know when or why this started, anyone else knows..?

Troll language?

whats your point?

Never heard about that, the hell?

Originally Posted by Sreyas
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whats your point?
My point?Did you even read what I said?
I am saying why is putting the letter Z at the end of your name a thing..

you dont like it? then ignore bruh...

Originally Posted by GhostHacker
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you dont like it? then ignore bruh...
I didn't say I like it, I am just curious to why is this a thing.

Originally Posted by KeithCooper
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My point?Did you even read what I said?
I am saying why is putting the letter Z at the end of your name a thing..
hmm i think its just sounds more professional

u mean plural? <facepalm>

Why are we here?
Are we alone in this universe?
Is there a life after death?
Why do people use "z" in the end of their names?

These all questions doesn't have any answer, nor we are able to find out the answer.

Don't bother and let others what they do, they do because they want it like that -- why on earth you're so much into their lives? Discover the true essence of life by living it don't waste time indulging in these types of thinkings.

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