[GameMode] Zombie VS Human Simplified

Zombie VS Humans V1.0:
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Hi Community,

I am new to SA-MP forum but I have been learning to script from this forum from longtime. So i thought of registering here and I created a normal and simple TDM Zombie Vs Human Gamemode. Now after reading this gamemode new people can easily learn to script zombie server or TDM servers. I have created this server as grove vs ballas or red vs blue team like TDM. All the Maps Credits are given to their Respected owners.

Server Commands:-

/help and /cmds

Download v1.0 Now: Outdated



Zombie VS Humans V1.1 New release:

// Gamemode-- Zombie vs Human Apoclaypse v1.1 deathmatch Gamemode
// Credits: Owen007 and all map credits are given to their respected owners.

// Now everyone can learn to script.

// Simple ***** register system thanks to him

// Thanks to special members: luka49,mbilal,Abyss Morgan,ItzzWesty,Sreyas for their support.

// If you get any bugs while playing plz pm me on samp forum my name is :- Owen007

// *New Features: v1.1

// 1.Zombie Screamer added.

// 2.Cp system added.

// 3.Engine System added.

// 4.Fuel System added.

// 5.Regsiter and saving System added.

// 6.Humans Inventory added.

// 7.Weapons Shop Dialog added.

// 8.Flashlight for Humans added.

// 9.PM system added.

// 10.Player joined / left /kicked message System added.

// 11.Digger added for zombies.

// 12.Game Weather Updated both for Zombies & Humans.

// 13.Rcon admin system added credits to the owner of the fs. (ultimate rcon admin.).

// 14.Zombies and Humans Skins Updated.

// 15.Rank System added thanks to proSeryoga.

// 16.Become zombie when you are human command added /bezombie.

// 17.Anti Weapon by Ped_Dep's added.

// 18.Anti JetPack by Ped_Dep's added.

// 19.Anti Armour added.

// 20.Checkpoint size decreased.

// 21.Anti Money Hacks added.

// 22.Weapon Saying System by Sreyas added.

// 23.Text Draw added.

// 24. 3D knife attack ( Now zombies can do a knife throw like attack) Thanks to Abyss Morgan He is a nice guy.

// 25.Minor Bug Fixes.

New Commands:

/help , /rules , /buyweap , /cmds, /sengine, /bezombie, /pm, /pmoff, /r, /dig, /rcon login Passwordhere, /rconinfo

// v1.2 will come with more features so stay tuned.

Download v1.1 Now: Latest

Click Here full package only 3mb


Thanks to my dear friend abyss morgan for fixing minor bugs.

Pastebin not recommend.

// *New Feautres: v1.2 with HotFiX

// note : I released this version too fast because the previous version was having a lot of bugs.
// 1.Anti Failed RCON Login added.

// 2.Money Hacks anticheat Glitch solved.

// 3.Laser System for Humans.

// 4.Score Saving System added.

// 5./stats view added.

// 6.Weapons not saving bug fixed.

// 7.Anti Weapon hack changed to server sided weapons only added.

// 8.PM System fixed.

// 9.Random Spawn Places for zombies and humans

// 10.Cp bug fixed thanks to abyss.

// 11.Dialogs Improvement.

// 12.Group system added.

// 13.New Commands added.

// 14.NPC 2-Helicopters and 2-Cars added.

// 14.1 Owen007 - Flying Hunter.

// 14.2 AbyssMorgan - Flying Helicopter.

// 14.3 Sreyas - Driving cop car.

// 14.4 FahadKing - Driving Cheetah.

// 15.Digger added in zombie /inv.

// 16.Random Server messages added.

Known bugs:

On survivors death the zombies will get the same weapons aas survivors because of the weapon save and load systen so u can fix it at your own.

Server Commands:

/shelp , /zhelp ,/hhelp, /rules , /buyweap , /cmds, /stats, /sengine, /bezombie, /pm, /gcmds , /radio, /inv, /rcon login passwordhere, /rconinfo.

// v1.3 Coming Soon

Download v1.2:

Pastebin Not Recommend

Github Coming soon.


Originally Posted by Stones
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it is a simple gamemode just as red vs blue team with maps.

Simple, good start

Originally Posted by xTURBOx
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Simple, good start
Thanks very much turbo

Good start І

use SetPlayerTeam , GetPlayerTeam and AddPlayerClassEx

Well you learn from basics, and then move on
I can recall, my start was worse than this

Constructive criticism is always good, it helps you improve your skills and gives you a reason to better yourself.

We've all had to start somewhere whether that is with previous or no coding experience.

For a first attempt this is better then most, i hope you bring better scripts out in the future

Thanks you guys @Stones @xTURBOx @zSuYaNw i will try better in future.

Not bad ,

with little more work you can make ur gamemode much better ,

Touti thanks

Good job!

Originally Posted by N0FeaR
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Good job!
Ty i will do best next time.

:0 just realized that you are not saving the player statistics!!

Originally Posted by xTURBOx
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:0 just realized that you are not saving the player statistics!!
I know it bro I didnt maked this script for playing I made it because new scripters like me can learn step by step slowly.

Btw ty bro I will add it and will improve other bugs in v1.1

if would be awesome to make the gm to FS , good job ,

Originally Posted by ItzzWesty
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if would be awesome to make the gm to FS , good job ,
Lmao Thanks mate

Updated version Coming soon!

Good Job Man !

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