
Hi this may seem like a silly question but i have tried a couple things to do it and they dont work

if(sscanf(params, "s[10]", give)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "[SERVER] /roadblock [1-9] 1=Small block 2=Medium Block 3=Big Block 4=Cone 5=Divert 6=Tresspassers sign 7=Line Closed 8=Police Tape 9=Flare");
At the minute this is all one line when it send the message but i was wondering how can i set it to show it on 2 or more lines? cause as it is some of the message goes of the page...

First of all, the 's' parameter is wrong, use the 'i' parameter if the usage is [1-9].

PHP код:
SendClientMessage(playeridCOLOR_GREY"[SERVER] /roadblock [1-9]");
SendClientMessage(playeridCOLOR_GREY"1=Small block 2=Medium Block 3=Big    Block 4=Cone 5=Divert 6=Tresspassers sign 7=Line Closed 8=Police Tape 9=Flare");


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