Want To Ask About Multiple Gamemode

Hello guys i need you help because i want to make my server based on two modes first mode is Teamdeathmatch and the second mode is cops and robbers.i want to run my cops and robbers script and COD Script at the same time.will it run and please tell me that is their any way to make a command that will ask people what u want to play like it will ask Teamdeathmatch Or CNR mode. and if the person select anyone of these mode it will get teleported to that mode can you tell me anyway that if a person changes it's mode from teamdeathmatch to cnr then the teamdeathmatch will get disabled for that player.Or if me leave from CNR To teamdeadmatch mode then the CNR Will get disabled.Please Help me

Yes, it's possible. Use virtual worlds to separate players into two modes.

How i can do that.Can i Load a already made GM In a virtual world.or i have to make a new one in virtual world.


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