27.05.2016, 14:00
Последний раз редактировалось UltraPro; 27.05.2016 в 15:18.
Please tell me exactly what to change and where to go .

---------- Loaded log file: "server_log.txt". ---------- SA-MP Dedicated Server ---------------------- v0.3.7-R2, ©2005-2015 SA-MP Team [16:32:11] [16:32:11] Server Plugins [16:32:11] -------------- [16:32:11] Loading plugin: crashdetect [16:32:11] CrashDetect v4.15.1 is OK. [16:32:11] Loaded. [16:32:11] Loading plugin: sscanf [16:32:11] [16:32:11] =============================== [16:32:11] sscanf plugin loaded. [16:32:11] Version: 2.8.1 [16:32:11] © 2012 Alex "******" Cole [16:32:11] =============================== [16:32:11] Loaded. [16:32:11] Loading plugin: streamer [16:32:11] *** Streamer Plugin v2.7.7 by Incognito loaded *** [16:32:11] Loaded. [16:32:11] Loading plugin: mysql [16:32:11] >> plugin.mysql: R34 successfully loaded. [16:32:11] Loaded. [16:32:11] Loaded 4 plugins. [16:32:11] [16:32:11] Filterscripts [16:32:11] --------------- [16:32:11] Loading filterscript 'burnout.amx'... [16:32:12] | (__) [16:32:12] | (oo) [16:32:12] | /-------\/ "Kickstart my heart" [16:32:12] | / | || [16:32:12] | * ||----|| By Hiddos [16:32:12] | ~~ ~~ [16:32:12] |_______________________________________ [16:32:12] Loaded 1 filterscripts. [16:32:12] Houses: 0 [16:32:12] [Clans Script]: 0 clans loaded. [16:32:12] [Graffiti Script]: 0 graffiti loaded. [16:32:12] Bussines: 0 [16:32:12] SBiz: 0 [16:32:12] Stuff Loaded [16:32:12] Charity Loaded [16:32:12] Turf: 0 [16:32:12] Papers: 0 [16:32:12] Dynamic Factions: 0 [16:32:12] [MySQL - JOBS]: 0 loaded... [16:32:12] [Furniture Script]: 0 objects loaded. [16:32:12] [MySQL - SafeZone]: 0 loaded... [16:32:12] 473 - Objects. [16:32:12] 28 - Pickups. [16:32:12] OnGameModeInit Loaded [16:32:12] Number of vehicle models: 58 [16:32:12] ==================================================================== [16:32:12] Error ID: 2006, Error: MySQL server has gone away [16:32:12] Callback: LoadDSVeh [16:32:12] gQuery: SELECT * FROM `dsveh` [16:32:12] ==================================================================== [16:32:12] ==================================================================== [16:32:12] Error ID: 2006, Error: MySQL server has gone away [16:32:12] Callback: PreLoadCars [16:32:12] gQuery: SELECT MAX(ID) FROM `cars` [16:32:12] ==================================================================== [16:32:51] [connection] requests connection cookie. [16:32:52] [connection] incoming connection: id: 0 [16:32:52] [join] Exygo has joined the server (0: [16:33:11] [part] Exygo has left the server (0:2) [16:33:11] ==================================================================== [16:33:11] Error ID: 2006, Error: MySQL server has gone away [16:33:11] Callback: [16:33:11] gQuery: UPDATE `users` SET `Seconds`='0' WHERE `ID`='0' LIMIT 1 [16:33:11] ==================================================================== [16:34:21] [connection] requests connection cookie. [16:34:22] [connection] incoming connection: id: 0 [16:34:22] [join] [Ad]Exygo has joined the server (0: [16:34:53] [part] [Ad]Exygo has left the server (0:2) [16:34:53] ==================================================================== [16:34:53] Error ID: 2006, Error: MySQL server has gone away [16:34:53] Callback: [16:34:53] gQuery: UPDATE `users` SET `Seconds`='0' WHERE `ID`='0' LIMIT 1 [16:34:53] ====================================================================
new TimerTest;
public OnGameModeInit(){
//after your mysql_connect
TimerTest = SetTimer("TestPing", 999, true);
forward TestPing();
public TestPing(){
if(mysql_ping()) print("MySQL connection is still alive!");
else if(!mysql_ping()) print("MySQL connection is dead!");
return 1;