How to bypass timeouts *READ*

I have tested this pretty thoroughly throughout the day and have determined this line of code put into wireshark will effectively stop TimeOuts.
I have proven this on Crazy bobs cops and robbers.
(malformed and dcp-pft and stun and stun2 and dcp-af)
You have to put the () into it

Put this into wireshark apply, and start up your sa:mp game.
This is only tested on crazybobs I will find an effective code to stop it completely eventually.

This is a load of rubbish. Wireshark is a packet monitoring tool. Timeouts are caused by dropped packets, nothing else (especially not admins, which you claimed before).

Think what you want pal.
It works for me

Originally Posted by James505
Think what you want pal.
It works for me
Well you're wrong. Explain how on earth Wireshark is able to makeup dropped packets and resend them please.

I am not some kinda techie genius.
I am just sharing what works for me, if you don't accept it hey that's great.
There is no need to be so hostile towards me though.

Originally Posted by James505
I am not some kinda techie genius.
I am just sharing what works for me, if you don't accept it hey that's great.
There is no need to be so hostile towards me though.
I'll only reply to you in your other thread. This is a load of nonsense.


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