15.04.2016, 23:10
This is the command for the job Pizza Boy.
After entering the pizza vehicle, and use /pizza, I get the error Unkown Command.
How can I fix this?
CMD:pizza(playerid,params[]) { new newcar = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid); if(vehicleVariables[newcar][vVehicleJob] == 6 && playerVariables[playerid][pJob] == 6) { if(playerVariables[playerid][pPiz] == 0) { IsDeliveringPizza[playerid] = 1; new house; house = random(systemVariables[houseCount]); SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, houseVariables[house][hHouseExteriorPos][0], houseVariables[house][hHouseExteriorPos][1], houseVariables[house][hHouseExteriorPos][2], 5.0); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Your working hours is up! Go to red checkpoint."); playerVariables[playerid][pPiz] = 120; } else return SCM(playerid,-1,"You can use pizza every 2 minutes."); } else return SCM(playerid,-1,"You are not a pizza boy."); return 1; }
How can I fix this?