09.04.2016, 21:07
I have a problem, mysql is not completing the function and idk why this is the log:
I thought it was bc query lenght but it is not, please help
[23:06:41] [DEBUG] mysql_tquery - connection: 1, query: "UPDATE `Teritorije` SET `Vlasnik` = 'Ballas' AND `Team` = '2' WH", callback: "OnQueryFinish", format: "i" [23:06:41] [DEBUG] CMySQLQuery::Execute[OnQueryFinish] - starting query execution [23:06:41] [DEBUG] CMySQLQuery::Execute[OnQueryFinish] - query was successfully executed within 0.312 milliseconds [23:06:41] [DEBUG] CMySQLResult::CMySQLResult() - constructor called [23:06:41] [DEBUG] Calling callback "OnQueryFinish".. [23:06:41] [DEBUG] CMySQLResult::~CMySQLResult() - deconstructor called |
pawn Код:
TerVreme = 7200;
TerZauzeta = 1;
NapadaTeritoriju[playerid] = 0;
TeInfo[zoneid][Team] = TeInfo[zoneid][BandaNapada];
TeInfo[zoneid][PodNapadom] = 0;
TeInfo[zoneid][ZonaVreme] = 0;
GangZoneShowForAll(TerID[zoneid], GetTeamZoneColor(TeInfo[zoneid][Team]));
if(TeInfo[zoneid][Team] == 1)
GangZoneShowForAll(TerID[zoneid], 0xFF00FF88);
else if(TeInfo[zoneid][Team] == 2)
GangZoneShowForAll(TerID[zoneid], 0xFF00FF88);
new kveri[600], vlasnik[64];
if(TeInfo[zoneid][Team] == 1) { vlasnik = "Grove Street Family"; }
else if(TeInfo[zoneid][Team] == 2) { vlasnik = "Ballas"; }
format(kveri, sizeof(kveri), "UPDATE `Teritorije` SET `Vlasnik` = '%s' AND `Team` = '%d' WHERE `ID` = '%d'", vlasnik, TeInfo[zoneid][Team], zoneid);
mysql_function_query(konekt, kveri, true, "OnQueryFinish", "i", THREAD_OSTALO);