[FilterScript] Prohibition System [MySQL R39]

Hello folks, hope its a good day for you, well im here once again releasing a mysql r39 ban system, i hope you like it, so lets this what it contains specificially, PS: this system is attached to a registeration system, with AUTO LOGIN (WITH IP) SYSTEM! , its an obligation registery system (i.e you will be forced to register/login whenever you join the server), youve to create your own tables in your db, they should be `accounts` with Username,Password,IP fields, and `bans` with Username,IP,Bannedby,Reason,Year,Month,Day fields.i didnt make them because maybe you want some typechanges.


/Ban [Id] (> then it will play you an input dialog, to type the reason).
Function: will ban an online user.

/Oban [Username] (> then it will play you an input dialog, to type the reason).
Function: will offline ban an already registered user.

/Banip [Ip] (> then it will play you a confirmation dialog, then if you confirmed it, it will retransfer you to type the reason in an input dialog).
Function: Will ban an already registered IP

/Unbanip [Ip]
Function: Will unban an already banned ip

/Unban [Username]
Function: unban an already banned user.

/BanInfo [Username]
Function: Will view an information of a special ban.

Function: Will view the ban system commands in a dialog (with it's functions).

Credits goes for the includes creators and me for the script/coding,
thanks by the way if you find out any bug, please report it here and it will be fixed asap.


Nice work well done mate.

Please fix your indentation. And no, using that pragma to hide the warnings is not a fix....

Its loose indentation warnings, why should we care alot for that, i think we should concentrate and focus more on the main script, or what? But anyway i got to release that today as i wont be here for the next week so i abbreviated that silly warning with a define, but anyway i respect your opinion and ill be trying to fix that whenever i get free.

fix identation and remove that pragma anyway nice try

People.. pragma and indentation warnings are fixed

Thanks FreeGaza, Sreyas.

Good job, need more indentation and also use the '%e' specifiers instead of the '%s' specifiers to auto-escape the string.

Thanks karan, will try that later

Bump, see this people

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