Mouse problems

For about 6 months I've had problems with the mouse icon in SAMP. When ever I am on a menu which requires moving my cursor ( choosing a skin or a car etc. ) I can see my cursor but it just dosn't move. It says in the bottam left corner of my screen. I can still click things but I cannot exactly see where my cursor is due to it not moving. The only way around this is to move my mouse slightly so the skin or car icon or whatever it is goes darker. This is really bugging me and I have posted on multiple server forums but no one knows whats wrong.


As you can see, the Bullet is highlighted because it is the one that my cursor is on, but my cursor is not on their and is clearly visible at the bottam of the screen. I have tried reinstalling SAMP multiple times, didn't work. Tried reinstalling my whole GTA:San Andreas, didn't work. I have tried every mousefix.asi and all of that. I have put different mouse.png's in, but nothing works.

Tried on other servers?

This isn't server based.

Can you look around with the mouse when in game?

Yeah I can look around with my mouse, shooting etc. It's just on menu's like the one I showed.

Have you editted your textsize in the client?

If you have, reset the text.

If you mean doing /fontsize in-game, I tried all of them with restarting my game. None of them worked. How can I 'reset the text' though? What do you mean by that?

sa-mp.cfg in the GTA SA User Files folder would hold that setting so deleting the line in there that says fontsize, or deleting the file altogether would by rights set it back to normal.

Tried deleting the line, didn't work. Also tried deleting the file all together which also didn't work.

Same Problem How to fix it?

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