22.03.2016, 07:59
Hey guys, to whoever is reading this... I need urgent help regarding my script about MySQL
Goal: Obtain the user's name through their respective account IDs
Error: Public functions cannot return arrays
Request: Help in finding a work around to the problem but still preserves the initial goal of the function
Thank you in advance!
Goal: Obtain the user's name through their respective account IDs
Error: Public functions cannot return arrays
Request: Help in finding a work around to the problem but still preserves the initial goal of the function
stock UserFromID(ID) { new query[200]; mysql_format(MySQL, query, sizeof(query), "SELECT `Username` FROM `Users` WHERE `ID` = %d LIMIT 0,1", ID); mysql_tquery(MySQL, query, "OnUserFromIDCheck", "i", ID); return 1; } forward OnUserFromIDCheck(ID); public OnUserFromIDCheck(ID) { new rows, fields, UserID[128]; cache_get_data(rows, fields, MySQL); if(rows == 1) { cache_get_field_content(0, "Username", UserID, MySQL, sizeof(UserID)); } else format(UserID, sizeof(UserID), ""); return UserID; }