[BETA] Undead Roleplay [Hosted-Tab]

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Forum Link: http://forum.undeadroleplay.com/forum.php
Status: ONLINE
Undead Roleplay is a small roleplay-based community surrounding medium-heavy RP standards. We are currently developing a script that is unique to cater the needs of players. We have a selection of hand-picked staff to assist new and current players and to create and maintain the general structure of the server. Suggestions are widely appreciated on our server and will undergo a forum-wide vote before the staff team conclude and decide if it would best fit the server. Here on Undead Roleplay, we prioritise the needs of players over everything. We believe in a safe, enjoyable COMMUNITY feel. We’d like everyone who is interested to participate. We guarantee you will feel right at home.

We will not restrict how you roleplay (within reason). You are free to become whatever you desire. A police officer, a paramedic, even a full-time criminal. Your choices are valued and the staff team will fully support you and your decisions if it brings a positive light to our community.

Dynamic Properties - including dynamic garages.
Custom weapon-holstering system.
Paintball! & general events.
Jobs - including Weapons Dealer, Drugs Smuggler, Mechanic and more.
Business System

Be advised that this server is still in a beta phase. Bugs will be present and we’d highly appreciate that, as a community, we come together to fix the bugs in the script rather than exploit them. We ask that, if you come across any bugs on this server, you fill in the form on our forums to then be forwarded to our development team.

We hope to see you soon!
The Undead Roleplay Team.

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