06.03.2016, 17:26
Last edited by Crayder; 17/07/2016 at 09:03 PM.
Blood Splatter!
This script will change gunshots forever. Using ColAndreas and some simple math this script will splatter blood in the direction of the gunshots. The distance varies between 0 and 5. When the distance is 0 the blood will obviously go no where. When it is 1 - 5 it will splatter on any wall beyond the player being shot. The blood fades away within 2 seconds after it is splattered.
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Bugs, Concerns, and Questions:
BloodSplatter 1.0.5
This script will change gunshots forever. Using ColAndreas and some simple math this script will splatter blood in the direction of the gunshots. The distance varies between 0 and 5. When the distance is 0 the blood will obviously go no where. When it is 1 - 5 it will splatter on any wall beyond the player being shot. The blood fades away within 2 seconds after it is splattered.
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- 1.0.1 - Initial Release
- 1.0.2 - Timer Optimization
- 1.0.3 - Normal Leveling (produces random difference from the walls to prevent texture overlapping)
- 1.0.4 - Removes y_iterate and blood limit.
- 1.0.5 - Return value in ONWS to allow damage.
- ColAndreas thanks to Pottus, Chris, and Slice (ColAndreas is the center of this FS).
- Streamer, thanks to Incognito (using streamer since bullets shoot fast, there will be hundreds of blood objects).
- FloatRand, thanks to Y-Less (better than my float random function).
- *Removed*y_iterate, thanks to Y-Less (using y_iterate to handle the streamer ID's so we don't need gigantic, inefficient methods).
Bugs, Concerns, and Questions:
- Streaming based on player movement will make it look weird. To fix, change the streamer update mode in your gamemode.
- The ColAndreas world is based on YOUR world. For this script to work you need to have a world to begin with, if you use the San Andreas map (of course most of you do) just do CA_Init in your gamemode.
- The blood isn't showing sometimes? It's random. It's a 5 out of 11 chance of being splattered. And as noted in the description, those 5 chances represent distances (if it's a 1, the blood will only splatter 1 unit away; 5, 5 units; and all those in between).
BloodSplatter 1.0.5