[Problem] MySql

I have some errors about MySql. Enyone can help me?

. <html><head><title>MySQL Plugin log</title><style>table {border: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse; line-height: 23px; table-layout: fixed; width: 863px;}th, td {border: 1px solid black; word-wrap: break-word;}thead {background-color: #C0C0C0;}  tbody {text-align: center;}  table.left1 {position: relative; left: 36px;}  table.left2 {position: relative; left: 72px;}  .time {width: 80px;}  .func {width: 200px;}  .stat {width: 75px;}  .msg {width: 400px;} </style> <script>  var    LOG_ERROR = 1,   LOG_WARNING = 2,   LOG_DEBUG = 4;    var   FirstRun = true,   IsCallbackActive = false,   IsTableOpen = false,   IsThreadActive = false;    function StartCB(cbname) {   StartTable(1, 0, cbname);  }  function EndCB() {   EndTable();   IsCallbackActive = false;  }  function StartTable(iscallback, isthreaded, cbname) {   if(IsTableOpen == true || isthreaded != IsThreadActive)    EndTable();      if(iscallback == true) {    document.write(     "<table class=left2>" +      "<th bgcolor=#C0C0C0 >In callback \""+cbname+"\"</th>" +     "</table>"    );   }      document.write("<table");   if(iscallback == true || (isthreaded != IsThreadActive && isthreaded == false && IsCallbackActive == true) ) {    document.write(" class=left2");    IsCallbackActive = true;   }   else if(isthreaded == true)     document.write(" class=left1");      IsThreadActive = isthreaded;   document.write(">");      if(FirstRun == true) {    FirstRun = false;    document.write("<thead><th class=time>Time</th><th class=func>Function</th><th class=stat>Status</th><th class=msg>Message</th></thead>");   }   document.write("<tbody>");   IsTableOpen = true;  }    function EndTable() {   document.write("</tbody></table>");   IsTableOpen = false;  }      function Log(time, func, status, msg, isthreaded) {   isthreaded = typeof isthreaded !== 'undefined' ? isthreaded : 0;   if(IsTableOpen == false || isthreaded != IsThreadActive)    StartTable(false, isthreaded, "");   var StatColor, StatText;   switch(status) {   case LOG_ERROR:    StatColor = "RED";    StatText = "ERROR";    break;   case LOG_WARNING:    StatColor = "#FF9900";    StatText = "WARNING";    break;   case LOG_DEBUG:    StatColor = "#00DD00";    StatText = "OK";    break;   }   document.write(    "<tr bgcolor="+StatColor+">" +      "<td class=time>"+time+"</td>" +      "<td class=func>"+func+"</td>" +      "<td class=stat>"+StatText+"</td>" +      "<td class=msg>"+msg+"</td>" +     "</tr>"   );  } </script></head><body bgcolor=grey> <h2>Logging started at 15:02, 29.12.2015</h2><script>
Log("15:02:20","CMySQLConnection::Connect",1,"(error #2003) Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111)",1);
</script>[15:03:15] [ERROR] CMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #2003) Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111)
[15:24:24] [ERROR] mysql_escape_string - destination size is too small (must be at least as big as source)
[07:49:45] [ERROR] CMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #1226) User 'zp_hid9880' has exceeded the 'max_user_connections' resource (current value: 10)
[18:31:03] [ERROR] CMySQLQuery::Execute - (error #1054) Unknown column 'Gift' in 'field list'
[17:20:45] [ERROR] CMySQLQuery::Execute - (error #1146) Table 'zp_hid9880.car' doesn't exist
[00:00:27] [ERROR] "mysql_format" - invalid connection handle (id: 0)
[00:00:27] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle (id: 0)
[00:00:44] [ERROR] "mysql_format" - invalid connection handle (id: 0)
[00:00:44] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle (id: 0)
[09:14:09] [ERROR] CMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #1226) User 'zp_hid9880' has exceeded the 'max_user_connections' resource (current value: 10)
[00:00:21] [ERROR] "mysql_format" - invalid connection handle (id: 0)
[00:00:21] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle (id: 0)
[00:00:38] [ERROR] "mysql_format" - invalid connection handle (id: 0)
[00:00:38] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle (id: 0)
[00:00:08] [ERROR] "mysql_format" - invalid connection handle (id: 0)
[00:00:08] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle (id: 0)
[00:00:19] [ERROR] "mysql_format" - invalid connection handle (id: 0)
[00:00:19] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle (id: 0)
[00:00:45] [ERROR] "mysql_format" - invalid connection handle (id: 0)
[00:00:45] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle (id: 0)
[00:00:28] [ERROR] "mysql_format" - invalid connection handle (id: 0)
[00:00:28] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle (id: 0)
[00:00:06] [ERROR] "mysql_format" - invalid connection handle (id: 0)
[00:00:06] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle (id: 0)
[00:00:34] [ERROR] "mysql_format" - invalid connection handle (id: 0)
[00:00:34] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle (id: 0)
[00:00:35] [ERROR] "mysql_format" - invalid connection handle (id: 0)
[00:00:35] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle (id: 0)
[00:00:40] [ERROR] "mysql_format" - invalid connection handle (id: 0)
[00:00:40] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle (id: 0)
[00:00:56] [ERROR] "mysql_format" - invalid connection handle (id: 0)
[00:00:56] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle (id: 0)
[00:00:11] [ERROR] "mysql_format" - invalid connection handle (id: 0)
[00:00:11] [ERROR] "mysql_tquery" - invalid connection handle (id: 0)
[11:25:28] [ERROR] mysql_escape_string - destination size is too small (must be at least as big as source)
[17:47:18] [ERROR] CMySQLQuery::Execute - (error #1054) Unknown column 'Radio2' in 'field list'
One query:

format(var, sizeof(var), "UPDATE `users` SET `Money`='%d' WHERE `name`='%s'",GetPlayerCash(playerid), playerName);
     mysql_query(SQL ,var);

PHP код:
[ERRORCMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #2003) Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111)
[ERRORCMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #1226) User 'zp_hid9880' has exceeded the 'max_user_connections' resource (current value: 10)
[ERROR"mysql_format" invalid connection handle (id0)
ERROR"mysql_tquery" invalid connection handle (id0
All these lines indicate your connection failed.
It seems you have exceeded the maximum allowed connections to the database and connection is refused.

And how i can extend it?

I don't know about your answer..

I wait more replyes with some ideas.


reset your mysql connection or set it more to 15 or 20

Originally Posted by JeaSon
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reset your mysql connection or set it more to 15 or 20
What ? How i can set it more to 15/20 ?

ask your host to

Originally Posted by JeaSon
Посмотреть сообщение
ask your host to
I'll do that. But what is the 15, 20 ? Queryes ? Or what ?


How i can fking fix that ?
(error #2003) Can't connect to MySQL server on

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