Creation of a Fantasy Role Playing game

Not sure if I am allowed to post this here, but I'll do it anyway.

Basically I have plans for creating a game using the game engine Unity. I will stand for audio design, music production, programming, modelling and texturing. I have never created a game in my whole life but I'm not looking at it as a job, just as a project. I didn't know how to model a week ago and now I'm finding myself modelling things I couldn't imagine myself doing.

Anyway I'll cut to the chase. I'm looking for people that would be interested in joining the team, for now it's just me. There's no pay or anything, this is completely for fun. It will be a sort of fantasy Lord of the Rings-esque online role playing game. Similar to SA-MP's role play servers but in a up to date engine.

Imagine something out of the Lord of the Rings. A fantasy world with races such as dwarfs, orcs, elves, humans. There'd be a good side "The League" (or something) and the bad side. (It's all subjective though). You can find popular mythical creatures here; The world is at constant war between the good side and the bad side. Feel free to make up stories, who's sided with who and all that. I will read everything you give me.

I need people that can help with lore writing, art creation (I can't draw for shit), modelling, texturing, programming, animation. Anyone that can come up with names for the World itself and zones around it, stuff like that is highly welcome.

I bet you might be confused by all this but I will make sure to update the thread to make it more appealing to the eyes and at the same time deliver more information. Please comment, I need any contributions at all.

Here's a document of the game concepts and ideas that I have written down so far. (I've only worked on it for a couple of hours.)


Seems like a good concept to start a game base off with, good luck.

Gathered two companions to help me so far. I will continue writing on the actual game concept at a later stage, for now we're making the core of the game.

Good luck!

Sounds great! Would have helped you with art creation but I am still far off from being a professional artist. I like the concept of the game can't wait for the first look.

So basically it's Runescape but in Unity...?

Originally Posted by Crayder
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So basically it's Runescape but in Unity...?
I don't see why not, RS is horrible & it's just dying as the time goes. Plus you could literally compare most big RPG games to RS if you're going with that logic.

Originally Posted by Crayder
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So basically it's Runescape but in Unity...?
No, not at all. I haven't really explained the game concept in depth but I'm working on getting a core for the game at the moment.

Update: First set of basics have been implemented. (player movement (walk/sprint/togglewalk/jump/crouch) [own animations will be added at a later time]), proper following camera with wall collide detection. (both third person and first person will be available to play in) I made a ground for a basic property system (which will be worked on later). Mostly I've just been playing around with Visual Studio and Unity to get a better grip on things as I'm new to it.

Some 3D assets are on the way and I'm looking to get into landscaping. I will include pictures in later updates.

Update: I have started landscaping but I don't want to show it off quite yet. (I'll do it when I've done more on it). Today I was going to further script the third and person mode but I decided to model a sword and now I'm in the process of texturing it. It will be some sort of enchanted fantasy sword.

So here's the first picture of anything related to the game itself. I have textured a very small portion of the sword but I felt like sharing it anyway.


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