Money hackers

I am the owner of a 3c server, I am not a scripter myself neither do I know anything about it. I have a scripter but he's not very skilled, he knows the basics. My server is constantly getting money hackers cheating their way to unlimited cash. I have heard there is a system that stops money cheaters?
A different way to calculate money on? Is there a way to change it so that no one can use moneyhack?
Please help, thank you!

Why are you still running a 0.3c server? That version was released literally five years ago. An anti-money cheat system is the second easiest system to create, after an anti-jetpack system. It simply relies on the fact that the player's money is stored in a variable that the server controls rather than in a variable that the client controls. SetPlayerMoney should only be used as a visual update towards the client and GetPlayerMoney should never be used directly unless to detect the actual cheating itself (if GetPlayerMoney > PlayerVar[Money] then cheating) and anything that relies on money should use the internal variable.

Originally Posted by Vince
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Why are you still running a 0.3c server? That version was released literally five years ago. An anti-money cheat system is the second easiest system to create, after an anti-jetpack system. It simply relies on the fact that the player's money is stored in a variable that the server controls rather than in a variable that the client controls. SetPlayerMoney should only be used as a visual update towards the client and GetPlayerMoney should never be used directly unless to detect the actual cheating itself (if GetPlayerMoney > PlayerVar[Money] then cheating) and anything that relies on money should use the internal variable.
Well, we are a community that all together has 8 servers in all SA-MP versions that's why.
For instance we have business, cars and houses that rely on money, do we need to change it so it uses the internal variable? I am no scripter so don't go all complicated

Originally Posted by BTOlly
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Well, we are a community that all together has 8 servers in all SA-MP versions that's why.
For instance we have business, cars and houses that rely on money, do we need to change it so it uses the internal variable? I am no scripter so don't go all complicated
Get the scripter here then and make him read what Vince said.

It's quite easy to convert a script from using client-side money to server-side money.

Everywhere the script reads
PHP код:
Replace it with
PHP код:
Then, everywhere you have
PHP код:
Replace it by
PHP код:
Add this to your script as well:
PHP код:
PlayerMoney[playerid] = PlayerMoney[playerid] + amount;

PHP код:
forward MoneyTimer();
    for (new 
playeridplayerid MAX_PLAYERSplayerid++)
        If (

And add this to OnGameModeInit:
PHP код:
And on top of your script, add this:
PHP код:
new PlayerMoney[MAX_PLAYERS]; 
This will store all money on the server inside the PlayerMoney array, The money-hackers don't have direct access to that array, so it's safe from hacking.

The timer is there to auto-update every player's money on their screen.
Your script can just add the value to your account (PlayerMoney array), the timer does the rest (updating the value on the client's screen every half a second).

Even if they hack money on their client and would be able to freeze the money-readout on their screen, the server will use the value stored in the array.
Even if they could freeze their readout on the client to $1 billion, while the server holds only $100 in the array, they still can't buy that house for $100000.

So it doesn't matter if they hack their client's money-readout, there is no need to GetPlayerMoney somewhere to check if they're hacking and banning them for it.

Originally Posted by AmigaBlizzard
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It's quite easy to convert a script from using client-side money to server-side money.

Everywhere the script reads
PHP код:
Replace it with
PHP код:
Just make a function such as Player_GetMoney and make it return the PlayerMoney variable.

Originally Posted by Tamer
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Just make a function such as Player_GetMoney and make it return the PlayerMoney variable.
That's also possible:
PHP код:

Code above adjusted to include the function.

Originally Posted by AmigaBlizzard
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That's also possible:
PHP код:

Code above adjusted to include the function.
One more point, I said that because using a variable is also tricky but the "playerid" part is also another tricky part.

Because at commands and such, which are specifically for a target player, they can't use "playerid" for the target player. They use "id" or "giveplayerid "targetid" etc. etc.

I just want to point out that he should directly rename GetPlayerMoney to Player_GetMoney without the playerid.

Or he can just use ALS Hooking

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