mysql configuration.


i have changed some configuration settins in phpmyadmin:


What values right set to them? how to calculate how much i need or default values are good?

Default value for MaxSizeForInputField will be 60. It defines the maximum size for input fields generated for CHAR columns. You can set it values as per your requirement.

CharTextareaCols: Number of columns for the textareas. You can set it as per your requirement also.

Yes, but do i need to set higher value or maybe lower how to calculate how much i need?

You are meddling with the settings because you can't get your enormous tables to work even though I already told you that you should normalize your one ginormous table into multiple smaller tables. In a properly structured database the amount of columns for a single table hardly ever exceeds 10. It is not uncommon to have more than five tables and very elaborate gamemodes can even go beyond fifty (50) tables. See tutorials in my sig for more information.

Yes i know, but i just intersting what are these settings are they doing any effect if yes why not change it to right value.

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