
getting this error how can i fix it
[03:15:00] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[03:15:00] [debug] #0 003e904c in public OnLoadStatLockers () from KRP.amx
[03:15:00] [LoadRelayForLifeTeams] Failed to load any teams.

Show us the function OnLoadStatLockers.

idk what you mean but now its showing me this and this is the only error and it make my server crash whan someone trying to join
[07:47:05] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[07:47:05] [debug] Accessing element at index 20 past array upper bound 19
[07:47:05] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[07:47:05] [debug] #0 003e4980 in public OnLoadStatLockers () from KRP.amx
[07:47:05] [LoadRelayForLifeTeams] Failed to load any teams.

You've got a broken array.

What I do see though is that you are running an NGRP leak, so yea, you can find a new gamemode.

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