27.01.2016, 18:51
switch(Sprache[playerid]) { case 0: format(info2string, sizeof(info2string), "~g~~h~Falls der Ban nicht gerechtfertig ist, oder du es klar stellen mцchtest, bitte ich~n~~g~~h~Dich mit F8 ein Bild zu machennd es umgehend auf www.bfsamp.ga zu posten!~n~~g~~h~MfG die Admins"); case 1: format(info2string, sizeof(info2string), "~g~~h~If the ban is not correct, or for clarification take a screenshot (using F8)~n~~g~~h~and report it immediately at www.bfsamp.ga!~n~~g~~h~Regards, the Admins "); // case 2: format(info2string, sizeof(info2string), "~g~~h~Si el ban es un erros, o para aclaraciуn, toma una captura de pantalla con F8~n~~g~~h~y reportalo inmediatamente en www.bfsamp.ga!~n~~g~~h~Saludos, los Admins "); //~n~~g~~h~ } TextDrawSetString(Info2[playerid],info2string); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Info2[playerid]);
PS: Case 1: German language the string is fully formatted and textdraw shows up.