22.01.2016, 13:46
Последний раз редактировалось SecretBoss; 23.01.2016 в 10:47.
Author: SecretBoss
Version: 1.0.0

Author: SecretBoss
Version: 1.0.0

Have you ever wondered if it is possible to show player's id in death list? If so here is the answer this system will do this for you, what it does is to work with names, let me explain you more. My name is SecretBoss when the SendDeathMessage native will be called my name will be set as SecretBoss(0) and then back to SecretBoss so it will print SecretBoss(0) and you will see no changes at your name
This script will only work when you use SendDeathMessage native
Download and Install

To install this include just download and put the file on your includes file then include the file in your script like #include <newDeath>
Special thanks
I would like to thank Gammix for a safer SendDeathMessage hook and everyone else who helped me to release this...