
Hello, unfortunately i have implemented a mysql vehicle system to my gamemode,
But i forgot that the vehicle siren state is unset.

so, i have 3 vehicle types.
#define VEHICLE_TYPE_LEO (1)

I have already configured leo, and army.
However the vehicle type global should not have sirens, just the normal horn.
I've tried the following code however this is not working, so i was hoping someone could be of help.

	if(gTeam[playerid] == TEAM_CIVIL && ServerVehicle[vehicleid][Type] == VEHICLE_TYPE_GLOBAL)
		new siren = GetVehicleParamsSirenState(vehicleid);
		if(siren == 1)
    	siren == 0; 
		return 1;

You talk about the siren activated via H(Horn) or a scripted one?

Im talking about the intergrated siren.
as you could see above, its the vehicle params *siren.

Its activated on all vehicles.

There isn't a "set" variant of this function. Hence, you should only make the siren available to the vehicles that need it.

well vince, thats what im trying to do lol.
Unfortunately i was unaware of that fact when i implemented my vehicle system.
So all vehicles now make use of the derm sirens, thats why i would wish to toggle them off on global vehicles.

(modelid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:angle, color1, color2, respawn_delay, addsiren=0)
You can type /dl in game and check for the car type then go into the script, search for it and put 0 at the end like above, the last is the siren.

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