Joining a specific server

I can join most of servers i try to join,but there's a problem joining a specific server that is owned by a friend,when i try to join it keeps reconnecting,any segguestions ?

Make sure your client and your friend's server are at the same version, 0.3.7 can't join 0.3z servers.

Also, if your friend is running the server at home, he will have to portforward his ports so you can actually access them from the outside to join.

It's hosted and same client and everything was working good but when we changed to a new GM others can join except me.

Try restarting the router, and make sure Firewall isn't causing problems. Disable your Firewall then try to connect.

If that doesn't work, try running SAMP as administrator or changing its compatibly. In case of still not working, try reinstalling your game and SAMP.

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