[HELP] "Faild to load gamemode"

I'm having problem, not that we loaded gamemode? http://prntscr.com/9bwbcn
I do not know what the problem is, so if anyone can help me?
I have crashdetect and nativechecker but again not.

Did you compile the script at all? Or did you just rename the .pwn to .amx? If you scripted something, be sure to hit compile (F5 when using pawno). That will convert the script into machine code.

If you compiled your .pwn file with any error, there won't be any .amx file (compiled code). Be sure to check if your code compiles correctly and there's a .amx file together with your gamemode.

Originally Posted by dxhj
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If you compiled your .pwn file with any error, there won't be any .amx file (compiled code). Be sure to check if your code compiles correctly and there's a .amx file together with your gamemode.
If there's no .amx file you will get a different error

Originally Posted by Jstylezzz
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If there's no .amx file you will get a different error
NO if there is no .amx the script/file will not load in the server.samp.exe

Solve : Go to your gamemode press F5 and see if their is any errors thn if it has errors correct it if no leave it and press F5

Originally Posted by RaajParker
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NO if there is no .amx the script/file will not load in the server.samp.exe
Exactly, that's what I said right? A different error. Check the server_log.txt, you will notice that there is an error saying it couldn't load any gamemode scripts, after which the server exe closes.

When I click compile waiting a few seconds appears not responding program. But do not lose the .amx file.

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