07.12.2015, 13:40
Hello, is it possible to make the script detect the text on a website, and if it's On it'll continue the code in the script. If not it'll return false..?
forward MyHttpResponse(index, response_code, data[]); public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]) { if(!strcmp("/hello",cmdtext,true)) { HTTP(playerid, HTTP_GET, "kc.gd/hello.txt", "", "MyHttpResponse"); return 1; } return 0; } public MyHttpResponse(index, response_code, data[]) { // In this callback "index" would normally be called "playerid" ( if you didn't get it already :) ) new buffer[ 128 ]; if(response_code == 200) //Did the request succeed? { //Yes! format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "The URL replied: %s", data); SendClientMessage(index, 0xFFFFFFFF, buffer); } else { //No! format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "The request failed! The response code was: %d", response_code); SendClientMessage(index, 0xFFFFFFFF, buffer); } }